jodit / jodit-angular

Angular wrapper for Jodit && Hey. Due to the fact that I do not use Angular in my projects, I cannot fix plugin errors in a timely manner. If you want the plugin to develop, send PR or better become a contributor
MIT License
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Jodit-Multi-Pro with Angular 13 #110

Open muberraduman opened 1 year ago

muberraduman commented 1 year ago

We are unable to implement extra plugins that come with jodit-multi-pro into our Angular 13 project.

MrElectroNick commented 1 year ago

Hi @muberraduman. Can you please elaborate

muberraduman commented 1 year ago

As I have mentioned, we are using Angular 13, and with that, we have installed jodit-angular@1.13.6 and jodit-pro@1.3.36. Unfortunately, it seems that the jodit-angular wrapper is not suitable for the jodit-pro. So we are unable to use the jodit-pro with it. There is no documentation or example on the internet, so we can look at it. And it has been a month since we got a comment on this platform.

I have also got Mr. Chupurnov Valery's response, saying "of course! Unfortunately Angular13 is not supported".

At that point, there is nothing for us to do but to give up using the jodit-pro.

MrElectroNick commented 1 year ago

Ok, I see. I'll check with @xdan what we can do about it and will let you know

julianpoemp commented 1 year ago

@muberraduman I recently published a package ngx-jodit-pro with Pro/Multi/OEM support. You find more information here.

Yang-Jing-Hui commented 1 year ago

I followed the instructions to download the package and got Failed to compile.

Error: node_modules/jodit/types/types/types.d.ts:280:3 - error TS2717: Subsequent property declarations must have the same type. Property 'font' must be of type 'HTMLFontElement', but here has type 'HTMLElement'. 280 font: HTMLElement;

node_modules/typescript/lib/lib.dom.d.ts:17141:5 17141 "font": HTMLFontElement;

    'font' was also declared here.

"dependencies": {
    "@angular/cdk": "13.3.9",
    "@angular/common": "13.3.11",
    "@angular/compiler": "13.3.11",
    "@angular/core": "13.3.11",
    "jodit": "3.24.9",
    "jodit-angular": "1.11.1",
    "jodit-pro": "^1.3.40",
    "ngx-jodit-pro": "^1.0.2",
"devDependencies": {
    "typescript": "4.6.4"
julianpoemp commented 1 year ago

@Yang-Jing-Hui do you want to use ngx-jodit-pro? If so please follow the instructions here. If there is any problem open an issue here. ngx-jodit-pro and jodit-angular are independent repositories.