deprecated function ICACHE_RAM_ATTR; to be replaced by IRAM_ATTR
missing DucoStandby and IthoStandby calls.
Warnings are gone.
The standby switch is now visible, but not working. It sets the box to "low" instead of switching it off entirely. I remember the ESPEasy version (from arjenhiemstra) I used in the past actually did switch the box off. Also, if I use the leave home button on my remote, it is switching of completely, but nothing shows in the esphome log
I will do some more testing to see if I can figure out what is missing :)
During compile, I got 2 types of warnings:
Warnings are gone. The standby switch is now visible, but not working. It sets the box to "low" instead of switching it off entirely. I remember the ESPEasy version (from arjenhiemstra) I used in the past actually did switch the box off. Also, if I use the leave home button on my remote, it is switching of completely, but nothing shows in the esphome log
I will do some more testing to see if I can figure out what is missing :)