jodybrewster / react-native-linkedin-login

React Native Linkedin login
71 stars 42 forks source link

'RCTLinkedinLogin/RCTLinkedinLogin.h' file not found #26

Closed dittmarconsulting closed 6 years ago

dittmarconsulting commented 7 years ago

Steps to reproduce error:

  1. Create a new project react-native init LNTest

  2. cd into the newly created folder LNTest

  3. Install package npm install --save react-native-linkedin-login

      "react": "16.0.0-alpha.12",
      "react-native": "0.45.0",
      "react-native-linkedin-login": "^1.44.1"
  4. Link library react-native link react-native-linkedin-login

  5. Open XCode (8.3.2)

  6. Clean & Build project (succeeded)

  7. Drop RCTLinkedinLogin.xcodeproj into the project

  8. Add #import <RCTLinkedinLogin/RCTLinkedinLogin.h> to AppDelegate.m file

Header Search Path: $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-linkedin-login/ios/RCTLinkedinLogin

screenshot 2017-06-08 17 57 21 2

jodybrewster commented 7 years ago

@dittmarconsulting Thanks, I'll test this soon and get back to you.

dittmarconsulting commented 7 years ago

Replacing <RCTLinkedinLogin/RCTLinkedinLogin.h> with "RCTLinkedinLogin.h" fixed the problem

sregg commented 5 years ago

@dittmarconsulting I had the same issue and fixed it using your solution. But it feels pretty hacky. Did you end up keeping it in your project or did you manage to make it work using <RCTLinkedinLogin/RCTLinkedinLogin.h>?

prih commented 5 years ago

@sregg just Header Search Path must be: $(SRCROOT)/../node_modules/react-native-linkedin-login/ios