jodyphelan / TBProfiler

Profiling tool for Mycobacterium tuberculosis to detect ressistance and strain type from WGS data
GNU General Public License v3.0
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iTOL files not created #366

Open moks-micro opened 1 month ago

moks-micro commented 1 month ago

Hi Jody,

I've been running tbprofiler v6.2.1, and it doesn't seem to be creating any of the iTOL files when I run the collate command:

tb-profiler collate -p test_name

Am I missing something in the command ?

Thanks Simone

jodyphelan commented 1 month ago

Hey Simone!

You can add in --itol to the command. I thought i was the only one who used it so I took it out of the default settings, but maybe I'll but it back in the next version!

moks-micro commented 1 month ago

Thanks Jody!! We really like to use the itol files here :) The only problem when I use --itol is that it seems to have a problem if La1-3 lineages are present and wont create the itol files. It only works when I have lineages 1-5. Does this ever happen to you ?

(tbprofiler_6.2.1) simone@BioinformaticsWorkstation:~/Documents/tbprofiler6.2.1_validation/TBprofiler_6.2.1$ tb-profiler collate -p tbprofiler6.2.1_validation --itol [09:00:59] INFO Using ref file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.fasta INFO Using gff file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.gff INFO Using bed file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.bed INFO Using json_db file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.dr.json INFO Using variables file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.variables.json INFO Using spoligotype_spacers file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.spoligotype_spacers.txt INFO Using spoligotype_annotations file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.spoligotype_list.csv INFO Using bedmask file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.mask.bed INFO Using barcode file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.barcode.bed INFO Using rules file: /home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/share/tbprofiler//tbdb.rules.txt 100%|████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████| 157/157 [00:00<00:00, 448.86it/s] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/bin/tb-profiler", line 587, in args.func(args) File "/home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/bin/tb-profiler", line 273, in main_collate tbp.collate_results(args) File "/home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tbprofiler/", line 149, in collate_results generate_itol_config(rows,drugs,args.prefix) File "/home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tbprofiler/", line 178, in generate_itol_config writer.write(lineage_outfile) File "/home/simone/miniconda3/envs/tbprofiler_6.2.1/lib/python3.10/site-packages/itol_config/interfaces/", line 33, in write O.write("%s\t%s\n" % (index,self.colour_lookup[value])) KeyError: 'La1' Cleaning up after failed run ERROR tb-profiler:59

                ################################# ERROR #######################################                                                             

                This run has failed. Please check all arguments and make sure all input files                                                               
                exist. If no solution is found, please open up an issue at                                                                                  
       and paste or attach the                                                                 
                contents of the error log (tbprofiler6.2.1_validation.errlog.txt)                                                                           
jodyphelan commented 1 month ago

Oh this looks like a bug. I'll run some tests.

abhi18av commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @jodyphelan ,

Ran across the same behavior, though for a specific sample - we'd like to reenable iTol for v2 of MAGMA and the error highlights Mcanetti for some reason.

  Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/local/bin/tb-profiler", line 583, in <module>
    File "/usr/local/bin/tb-profiler", line 269, in main_collate
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tbprofiler/", line 149, in collate_results
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/tbprofiler/", line 178, in generate_itol_config
    File "/usr/local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/itol_config/interfaces/", line 33, in write
      O.write("%s\t%s\n" % (index,self.colour_lookup[value]))
  KeyError: 'M.canetti'
  Cleaning up after failed run
             ERROR                                                  tb-profiler:59

                      ################################# ERROR

                      This run has failed. Please check all
                      arguments and make sure all input files
                      exist. If no solution is found, please open
                      up an issue at
                      es/new and paste or attach the
                      contents of the error log


CC @vrennie @mdediegofuertes