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personal/ai-residency-reflections #12

Closed joe-antognini closed 1 year ago

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Written on 08/01/2019 05:48:24


joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Durgesh on 10/11/2020 16:46:49

Thanks for sharing your insights.It was easy to follow .I am also a self taught ML learner and currently pursuing my undergraduate . It clarified my many doubts about kind of work done there. One thing I wanted ask was in your application process what according to you was more important in the cover letter or your industry work experience ?

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by antognini on 10/14/2020 06:14:09

It is hard for me to say which is more important since I didn't really get any insight into the admissions process. Based on the demographics of my cohort, people like myself who had academic backgrounds that were not in machine learning seemed to benefit from some industry experience. But the other half of my cohort were new ML grads with no industry experience.

I suspect that what is most important is some demonstration that you can do research (whether in ML or not), have some knowledge of ML (even if you haven't done research in it specifically), and have some ideas for what ML research you would like to do. The cover letter can help with the last point, but industry experience or ML research experience can help with the first two.

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Yemi on 03/28/2021 06:48:21

This was a nice read! You mentioned that most of the residents that didn't have PhD's went on to grad school. Was there any resident with only a masters degree that converted to a research scientist position?

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Palash Sharma on 04/20/2021 07:21:06

Hey Joe! Could you please let me know how many people from your cohort had only a Bachelor's degree? Do you absolutely need to have a Master's degree or a PhD?

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by antognini on 04/20/2021 17:19:28

I think about half of the residents in my cohort had a bachelor's degree and the other half had a PhD.

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by antognini on 04/20/2021 17:20:52

I can think of at least one who had a bachelor's degree and converted to a permanent research scientist position. I think technically you start as a "research associate" but it's pretty straightforward to promote to research scientist.

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Yemi on 04/20/2021 23:34:22

Thank you for taking your time to answer Joe!

joe-antognini commented 1 year ago

Comment written by Palash Sharma on 04/21/2021 14:14:16

Thanks for replying, Joe!