joe-bell / cva

Class Variance Authority
Apache License 2.0
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Conditional variants based on other variants #249

Closed Sicria closed 6 months ago

Sicria commented 6 months ago

Is it possible to define a different class set based on one of the variants?

Eg. If a button has the below classes, is it possible for rounded to define a new set of classes for size so that if you provide rounded it could use something like sm: 'p-3' so that it is actually rounded.

Currently to achieve this you'd have to do something like <Button rounded className="p-3"> which makes the size somewhat useless.

const buttonVariants = cva(
    variants: {
      size: {
        sm: 'py-2 px-3',
        md: 'py-3 px-4',
        lg: 'p-4 sm:p-5',
      rounded: {
        true: 'rounded-full',
    defaultVariants: {
      size: 'sm',

Maybe I'm missing something and this is already possible though?

joe-bell commented 6 months ago