joe-siyuan-qiao / ViP-DeepLab

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DVPQ obtained by is lower than that shown in paper. #14

Open weimengchuan opened 1 year ago

weimengchuan commented 1 year ago


Thanks for your great work. I am trying to run ViP-DeepLab on SemKITTI-DVPS data set, and met some problem. So I wonder whether you could kindly offer some clues for our problem. Thanks in advance.


We find that pq we obtained (0.48647475) in step 1 is equal to that in github (48.6) and similar to that given in paper (48.9), the AbsErrorRel we obtained (0.1398) is also similar to that in github (0.139). However all the dvpq metrics we obtained by in step 3 is lower than that shown in ViP-DeepLab paper. For example, our PQ ( k = 1 and lambda = 0.5) is 45.56 which is lower than yours (54.7).

Our experimental steps are listed as follows:

Step 1.

We run the evaluation command python trainer/ --config_file=$config_file --mode='eval' --model_dir=$work_dir --num_gpus=1, the model we use is resnet50_beta_os32_vip_deeplab_semkitti_dvps_train, and get prediction result files and metrics. We find that the area of sky is predicted as car, and is predicted into many instances. We think this may be caused by that SemKITTI-DVPS does not have class sky. A sample of predictions:

Metrics are listed as follows: {'evaluation/ap/AP_Mask': 0.0, 'evaluation/depth/AbsErrorRel': 0.13984331, 'evaluation/depth/DepthInlier': 0.82116693, 'evaluation/depth/SILog': 17.696161, 'evaluation/depth/SqErrorRel': 0.038282633, 'evaluation/iou/IoU': 0.5703419, 'evaluation/pq/FN': 770.2105, 'evaluation/pq/FP': 0.0, 'evaluation/pq/PQ': 0.48647475, 'evaluation/pq/RQ': 0.57171357, 'evaluation/pq/SQ': 0.75082445, 'evaluation/pq/TP': 2012.2106, 'evaluation/step/AQ': 0.0007030831363192253, 'evaluation/step/IoU': 0.5409079648683848, 'evaluation/step/STQ': 0.01950136580857129, 'evaluation/vpq_2frames/FN': 867.6842, 'evaluation/vpq_2frames/FP': 0.0, 'evaluation/vpq_2frames/PQ': 0.46486518, 'evaluation/vpq_2frames/RQ': 0.54952127, 'evaluation/vpq_2frames/SQ': 0.74449855, 'evaluation/vpq_2frames/TP': 1989.421, 'losses/eval_center_loss': 0.15390763, 'losses/eval_depth_loss': 0.022314742, 'losses/eval_next_regression_loss': 0.038973894, 'losses/eval_regression_loss': 0.04054415, 'losses/eval_semantic_loss': 0.6167886, 'losses/eval_total_loss': 0.872528}

Step 2.

We implemented stitching code, then run it to get global instance predictions.

Step 3.

We run the evaluation scripts "", and get dstq bellow: {'DSTQ': 0.6616758995230422, 'DSTQ@1.25': 0.6616758995230422, 'DSTQ_per_seq@1.25': [0.6616758995230422], 'STQ': 0.5937232166290781, 'AQ': 0.6592323471452591, 'IoU': 0.534723848868881, 'STQ_per_seq': array([0.59372322]), 'AQ_per_seq': array([0.65923235]), 'IoU_per_seq': [0.534723848868881], 'ID_per_seq': [8], 'Length_per_seq': [4071], 'DQ': 0.8218033097594273, 'DQ@1.25': 0.8218033097594273, 'DQ_per_seq@1.25': [0.8218033097594273]}

Step 4.

We run the evaluation scripts, and get dvpq bellow: { 'eval_frames: 1, depth_thres: 0.5': 'pq: 45.55980695881214, tpq: 35.07134098073913, spq: 53.187782215592506, abs_rel: 0.1396994674917758', 'eval_frames: 1, depth_thres: 0.25': 'pq: 36.56748691301639, tpq: 26.451759890682535, spq: 43.924379292895566, abs_rel: 0.1396994674917758', 'eval_frames: 1, depth_thres: 0.1': 'pq: 14.146280391004085, tpq: 10.361829383907327, spq: 16.89860839616536, abs_rel: 0.1396994674917758', 'eval_frames: 5, depth_thres: 0.5': 'pq: 41.968783352542154, tpq: 28.74163929768786, spq: 51.58852448334529, abs_rel: 0.13967494139335826', 'eval_frames: 5, depth_thres: 0.25': 'pq: 33.507469580567225, tpq: 21.541009748402413, spq: 42.21034945850526, abs_rel: 0.13967494139335826', 'eval_frames: 5, depth_thres: 0.1': 'pq: 11.783747735074082, tpq: 7.624498710926228, spq: 14.808656116272523, abs_rel: 0.13967494139335826', 'eval_frames: 10, depth_thres: 0.5': 'pq: 40.94769211122291, tpq: 27.0122392483827, spq: 51.08256692056125, abs_rel: 0.1396574865430404', 'eval_frames: 10, depth_thres: 0.25': 'pq: 32.37974478950978, tpq: 19.808720251366957, spq: 41.52230808997729, abs_rel: 0.1396574865430404', 'eval_frames: 10, depth_thres: 0.1': 'pq: 10.703012375867687, tpq: 6.6467826700812385, spq: 13.652997616439649, abs_rel: 0.1396574865430404', 'eval_frames: 20, depth_thres: 0.5': 'pq: 40.18928068109943, tpq: 25.72682784899468, spq: 50.70742819535744, abs_rel: 0.139637772820176', 'eval_frames: 20, depth_thres: 0.25': 'pq: 31.70647838004767, tpq: 18.88886385063372, spq: 41.02837985598509, abs_rel: 0.139637772820176', 'eval_frames: 20, depth_thres: 0.1': 'pq: 9.782372472330955, tpq: 6.067345786407344, spq: 12.484210062093583, abs_rel: 0.139637772820176'}