joe-the-ark / ark

Arks is a free, online group journey for 3 to 15 people to connect psychological and inner safety through the perspective of safe circles. Key questions for working in psychologically safe circles include: Who is a satellite? Who is in multiple safe circles and acts as an integrator? How centrally connected is the leader? Developed by Dr. Joe Maier
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Visualize safe sub-groups in an unsafe team #160

Closed joe-the-ark closed 7 months ago

joe-the-ark commented 11 months ago

Message: travel with the ark towards inclusion and safety for better learning, wellbeing and performance.

MOCK UP: The visualisation of the safe-circles looks like this... Lingkai_23_10_12_Example_Safezone

...this is key for the visualisation: we need to check . Here: Tom is alone. Sue and Ulla share a circle. Ulla, Ruedi & Eli share a circle.


It is a 5 player game, thus we have 5 safe-zones. These safe-zones for this game are:

Ulla, Ruedi & Eli share a circle, because ALL their votes related to one another, giving and receiving are within the above described Safe-Zones of the scales. As soon as we have one value (giving or reciving) outside the safe-zone, the two players are not in a safe circle, together.

Speaking of complexity & stop criterion: We don't have to go through all the combinations. As soon as one value is outside the safe-zone, we can stop testing that combination.

Here is the heatmap to the game – that'll give you the safe-zones for each scale...


BACKSTORY: this is how it started... Just playing an idea for the app. The question: where is my safe-base in the team? We could visualize, based on the the existing data, which subgroups are (not yet) safe. And frame the rest of the ark data as input for working towards inclusion. Just a thought for a young / more fun oriented target group. Here is a mock-up...


The question: who is part of my safe-base in the team?

Nobody is excluded.

joe-the-ark commented 11 months ago

Technically, we could pull this off based on the results from the analytics function number 4 – focusing on all the votes that are safe between players, both giving and receiving – with a javascript plugin like venn.js, that builds on d3.js

joe-the-ark commented 11 months ago

In the gameflow of the ark, the safe-zone could be displayed together with the results of u-2 (performance). The message: work towards inclusion of all teammates and safety to increase learning, wellbeing and performance.

joe-the-ark commented 10 months ago

In the last two weeks I did review 15 teams and simulate their group dynamics, based on the analytic model circle that @reindexer developed with me.

Here are some key learnings:

1) plausibility :: YES --- the graphics make sense and mirror my understanding of the groups and relate to my knowledge of how the teams' history continued. 2) didactic value :: YES --- someone said the safe circles are made for the female mind, while the heatmap communicates more to the male mind. I believe with the safe circles we can immediately & intuitively demonstrate the value of the ark. Instead of coming across like a test, that pretends to show the academically sound truth of the situation, we can simulate a teams development-path and offer several snapshots of the team dynamics, based on the variable safe-zone value. 3) what is the safe-zone-value SZV? In the first ark version SZV is a constant that I chose deliberately. The first SZV value was +-16. Resulting in a safe-zone 33 points wide. One-third of the 99 scale. In the first years the SZV proved useful. The SZV is a variable between the group climate construct psychological safety and the inner safety of the team members. It is calculated as the average of all players votes per scale. A six players journey has 6 scales and 36 votes per scale.

SZV could be as low as one (resulting in a safe-zone that is 3 points wide). The biggest SZV that I've seen in a team was 60.

With regard to SZV we have several key values:

ONE) Disintegration (everybody is in ones own circle). TWO) First safe couple (becomes visible at disintegration value plus ONE). THREE) Sect-value, once all team-members appear in one big circle. FOUR) Safe-Zone value 16 used to be a default reference value. All current heatmap and game data is based on SZV 16. FIVE) Sweet-spot: (Value-ONE (disintegration) plus Value THREE (sect)) / divided by TWO -> a target value for the team development process. Feasible if the team works on their psychological safety based on the arks feedbacks.

Implementation ideas:

The safe-circles shall appear after the second waiting room, once all tension-scale data is collected, on the team-potential.html-page

In a minimal solution, we should display the two graphics FOUR and FIVE.

In an ideal solution, we could simulate the team dynamics value by value like in a stop-motion clip from value ONE (disintegration) to value THREE (sect). In between, additional interesting values include:

SIX) alternative sweet-spot: (Value-TWO (first safe couple) plus Value THREE (sect)) / divided by TWO -> a target value for the team development process. SEVEN) first person solo: when the first player falls out of the safe circles and disintegrates from the team. EIGHT) first person in all circles: when the first person is part of all safe circles.

As for the automatic drawing of the circles, I noticed that starting to draw with the first couple (item TWO on the list above) makes sense, because they have the strongest bond and usually end up in the centre of the safe-circles.

Here is an example for a hand-drawn sequence. Notice the safety-anchors and trigger themes that go with the players...

Bildschirmfoto 2023-11-06 um 21 36 33
joe-the-ark commented 8 months ago

My thoughts for #160: Ideally, you can click through the team dynamics frame-by-frame, i.e. in safe-zone-one steps. From the disintegration value on one side to the sect value on the other. In the example are the most important keyframes.

The following should be displayed in each case: Size of the Safe-Zone, Safety-Anchor and its opposite per player, and Safe-Circle-Count. CROSSFRIENDS3_Example_for_Lingkai.pdf

joe-the-ark commented 8 months ago

@reindexer programmed what Harvard Medical School Prof. Chris Roussin said would be impossible. An enormous step forward & the basis for an entirely new perspective upon psychological safety. The biggest pivot an chartering of new territory in the arks project, as of now.

joe-the-ark commented 8 months ago

@reindexer: An idea for a fix in a next version & for the minigame project: if all players are in at least one safe circle, than the avatars who are safe with ALL players, could move into the middle an thus make space for a less complex way to draw the safe-circles. Upside: the In-Circle becomes very visible & that would be the group of players, that are highly integrative & a good starting point to develop interventions. New... Safe-Circle-Update_24_1

Before... Safe-Circle-Example_Sun