joe42 / CloudFusion

Linux file system (FUSE) to access Dropbox, Sugarsync, Amazon S3, Google Storage, Google Drive or WebDAV servers.
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root #10

Closed szepeviktor closed 10 years ago

szepeviktor commented 10 years ago

Thank you for writing this software!

config file says:

# the root of Sugarsync operations: 2 for workspace
root = 2

I have several folders beside "My SugarSync", actually this is empty. In "mnt/data" dir only this folder can be accessed. How can I access other folders?

joe42 commented 10 years ago

Hi szepeviktor, Thank you for pointing out this deficiency in the documentation. The following should work: 1 for webarchive 3 for mobilePhotos 9 for deleted files Accessing other folders would need a patch, so let me know if this is already sufficient, or if you need to access a certain folder.

szepeviktor commented 10 years ago

I have these folders:

My SugarSync    

What are webarchive and mobilePhotos?

joe42 commented 10 years ago

See the last picture of for where webarchive and mobilePhotos are. Are your folders displayed in the section "My Devices" or "My Computer" ? I will probably have to create those myself, to see how they can be accessed. Sugarsync documentation is not very detailed here. Maybe you can remember how you created those.

szepeviktor commented 10 years ago

just pressed the "New folder" button

joe42 commented 10 years ago

Could you show me how this looks on the web site. I do not know which client you are using. I downloaded the sugarsync application for windows and installed it, but it too looks different from your snapshot.

szepeviktor commented 10 years ago

actually is from the web :)

joe42 commented 10 years ago

For me it looks differently: Maybe you are accessing it through a mobile device, and they deliver a different layout for mobile devices. I will try to find more though. Maybe the developers site can help.

szepeviktor commented 10 years ago

I use a Firefox clone: Palemoon SEE it the upper right corner! you can switch to the new user interface - I think

joe42 commented 10 years ago

I could not switch to the new user interface, so I created a new account instead. So here is what I found out. The top level "Cloud" folder is virtual, which means you cannot access it directly through the api (the sugarsync directory api is quite complex). But I could collect the folders you can see in "Cloud" into the data directory of cloudfusion anyway. Through the api, you cannot (yet) create new folders in the Cloud folder, so you would have limited access to the top level of the data directory, which might be confusing. This feature will not make it into the next release, but I could provide a patch if it is the same to you.

szepeviktor commented 10 years ago

Thank you! The patch is nice from you.

joe42 commented 10 years ago

Here is the patch: Apply it inside the repository root with:

git apply issue10.patch

Sugarsync does not offer free accounts for unlimited time anymore (the 5GB plan ends after 3 months) :-(