joe42 / CloudFusion

Linux file system (FUSE) to access Dropbox, Sugarsync, Amazon S3, Google Storage, Google Drive or WebDAV servers.
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CloudFusion not working with included dropbox python SDK #3

Closed avasquez614 closed 10 years ago

avasquez614 commented 11 years ago


Today I tried making CloudFusion work on my machine, but whenever I tried to copy the DropBox.ini to mnt/config/config, I got an stdout error like this one:

cp: writing mnt/config/config': Bad address cp: failed to extendmnt/config/config': Bad address

And checking the pyfuse.log, I see this strange SSL error:

2013-06-29 14:24:44,329 - pyfusebox - DEBUG - Error connecting to "": [Errno 185090050] _ssl.c:340: error:0B084002:x509 certificate routines:X509_load_cert_crl_file:system lib

After looking in the Internet for a fix to this error, and not finding anything useful, I tried installing the Dropbox SDK directly, and changing lines 9 - 10 of to:

from dropbox import client, session from dropbox import rest

And with that CloudFusion worked. So then I tried comparing files to see if there was any major difference from the SDK I downloaded and the one that comes with CloudFusion, and there wasn't any, except that I noticed that the trusted-certs.crt file was not been copied, so I added the following line to

package_data = {'': ['*.crt']}

So I wanted to know if you have an idea of what could be happening. I'm using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and Python 2.7.3. For now I can make CloudFusion work by installing the Dropbox SDK too, but it will be great if I could get a fix or a pointer to where the problem is.


Alfonso Vásquez

joe42 commented 11 years ago

Hi avasquez,

Thanks for reporting the problem. I will try to reproduce the issue und check if including the certificate fixes the issue. I have quite a few improvements coming, as I rewrote the cache layer to add simultaneous uploads. So you will always be able to write files without having to wait until the last one has been uploaded, similar to the windows Dropbox application. I have some long-running tests, I want to complete first. I will install CloudFusion on a different box, to verify the installation process. My guess is that I can push the changes tomorrow, including a bugfix for your problem. Your feedback is highly appreciated.

Regards, joe

joe42 commented 10 years ago

Avasquez, I was able to reproduce the error on my test machine. Including the certificate to the installed files fixed the issue for me. I added the following line to include cloudfusion/dropbox/LICENSE cloudfusion/dropbox/trusted-certs.crt

If it is the same to you, I will include this in the next update, which takes a bit longer than expected. (It took a while hunting down a funny bug in httplib:, which is not easily reproducible).

joe42 commented 10 years ago

I released version 1 of CloudFusion with an improved error handling layer, asynchronous writes, and of course your Bugfix. Take care, the installation procedure changed slightly.

Thanks, joe