joe7575 / techage

Techage, go through 5 tech ages in search of wealth and power!
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arc reactor #91

Open TechDudie opened 2 years ago

TechDudie commented 2 years ago

have you ever seen iron man? idk if they have that in germany

in iron man theres his arc reactor, and that sounds like a good addition to ta5 (the technology doesnt exist rn)

TechDudie commented 2 years ago

according to some site the blue electricity flows in a loop, generating infinite electricity (which breaks the rules of physics irl)

joe7575 commented 2 years ago

No, I don't know iron man, even it is known in Germany. But I will check, if it fits to techage

debiankaios commented 1 year ago

I propose also introduce stuff you need using fusion reactor.