joeattardi / picmo

JavaScript emoji picker. Any app, any framework.
MIT License
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Categories Overflow w/ Size/Row Settings in Popups #284

Open jeissler opened 1 year ago

jeissler commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for the great package, I was previously using emoji button and just did the migration. I think there is a bug or just a bit of css missing for the categories selector when there are emoji size and/or row settings that reduce the width of the popup container. I see in the dom classes like 'has-overflow-right' in this case, but w/o styles attached. I solved this easily in our project by setting overflow-x on the container, w/o this the emoji content wasn't being aligned correctly w/ some inaccessible.

.picmo__picker .categoryButtonsContainer
    overflow-x: auto
Screenshot 2023-08-02 at 9 50 54 AM