joecannatti / soji

Terminal Based Mindful Workday System
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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add functionality for finishing tasks early #18

Open laleocen opened 7 years ago

laleocen commented 7 years ago

I really like what you're doing with this. I've been looking for a note taking application and task manager built into terminal for a long time. I've written a few simple ones for myself over the last year, but just stumbled across pomodoro technique recently. I'm wondering if you minded if I added some functionality for completing a task before the pomodoro interval is finished. I'd like to work on it and submit a pull request, but didn't want to waste time if you felt it wasn't a necessary feature.

joecannatti commented 7 years ago

That functionality would be great. I'll look into agbrook 's PR this weekend and see how it relates it this functionality.

joecannatti commented 7 years ago

I think apparently ended up thinking @agbrook's stuff was merged when it was not. Sorry about that. Feel free to update here if anything has changed. Are you still using soji?

chellberg commented 7 years ago

Not strictly related to this question, but a question about how you use soji @joecannatti - fairly frequently I hit a break but want to keep working due to being in a productive flow. In these cases I've been manually returning my brightness to normal and soji starting a new task. Do you think of the breaks as "there if you want them" or "crucial to the overall efficacy of the system?" E.g. if I've skipped a break and face a potential interruption/distraction midway through a pomodoro, I might be more susceptible to that distraction because I can point to the skipped break as justification, or because I'd be more mentally fatigued anyway from having skipped it?

joecannatti commented 7 years ago

@chellberg I think that comes down to what problem you're trying to solve for yourself. For someone with ADHD, its usually important to always take the breaks. The reason is that with ADHD, hyperfocus can be just as big of a problem as a lack of focus. People with ADHD, can get 2 hours of solid hyperfocus in and stay on task the whole time, but they might forget to do other important things. Like go pee, check email, and make sure the work they are doing is really the right way to solve a problem.

That said, for people who do not have ADHD, I suspect that they could gain something by making the breaks optional. So my advice is to ask yourself

When I skip breaks, do I find myself neglecting other tasks that come up that may be more important then the one I am focused on?. Do I forget to take care of myself when I skip breaks? Do I lose track of the context for the problem I'm trying to solve when I skip breaks?

If the answer to all of those is "No", then I think you should skip the breaks. However for most people who have ADHD, the answer to at least one of those is very likely to be "Yes".

Does that help?

agbrook commented 7 years ago

@laleocen Did the latest patch fix this issue for you? If not, can you tell me what you're looking for that's different?