joedefen / KWin-move-win-directionally-script

KDE/Plasma script for moving the active window directionally (left/down/up/right) to another screen via keyboard shortcuts
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Mouse follows focus #1

Open nclarius opened 2 years ago

nclarius commented 2 years ago


a while ago we were trying ot figure out how to make the mouse follow along with the moved window in a KWin script. I have since given up on that possibility, and dug into the KWin source code instead.

I have now sucessfully been running my own build of KWin with built-in mouse-follows-focus functionality for the past few days. This implementation automatically moves the mouse cursor, if it is not already in the window, into the center of a newly added or newly activated window, and into the same as previous position relatively when moving (within one monitor or across monitors) or resizing a window.

Getting this into a form one could think about making a merge request for is a project for another day if at all, so right now the only way to use it is to build KWin from source (Get Involved/development - KDE Community Wiki) and run that custom binary as one's window manager. But if the issue bothers you enough to be worth that, you are welcome to use my fork: Files · mousefollowsfocus · Natalie Clarius / KWin

Best, Natalie

joedefen commented 2 years ago

Thanks. And I am awed by what you done and hope you have the inclination to create a MR.

re: "if the issue bothers you enough...":

I'm more OK with my python script, joedefen/MoveWindow, than using a non-standard KWin. But, I'll keep this issue open indefinitely in hope of your accepted MR.

BTW, everyday, I'm loving your "Always Open on Active Screen" script ... that is quite the killer script and I recommend it on Reddit when appropriate.


nclarius commented 2 years ago

Alright, I'm glad you found a solution that works for you, and I'll let you know if and when I submit this to core KWin.