joefitzgerald / autocomplete-go

An Atom autocomplete-plus provider for the Go language that uses gocode to provide suggestions.
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Go-config causing suggestion box on comma #10

Closed nullbio closed 8 years ago

nullbio commented 8 years ago

Every time I type a comma or a space or any of the characters like "!@$#%^" etc in my go files, no matter where I am in the file or what I'm typing it after it gives this suggestion window:

I don't recall it always doing this, but regardless it's very frustrating. Is there any way to disable this?

Other packages I have installed (if there's some sort of weird conflict):

autocomplete-go go-config go-get go-plus environment git-plus jsformat linter

If I disable go-config the problem goes away.

It would be okay if it was doing it in places that made sense, but it's unfortunately that's not the case.

Go version: 1.6. Atom version: 1.2.4 latest version of all plugins. Using Linux Mint 17

I also tried to add a space and a comma to the suppression box in settings but that did nothing.

Thanks :)

nullbio commented 8 years ago

I have a suspicion that this might be caused due to the plugin ignoring the suppression values, including the default values. I noticed there is another issue with people having a similar (or perhaps it's the same) problem. Do you have any suggestions for a work around @joefitzgerald? Your plugins are great by the way, thanks for making them, atom editor wouldn't be remotely as useful it is without these to accompany it. Cheers.

spf2 commented 8 years ago


spf2 commented 8 years ago

I realized I had both autocomplete-go AND go-plus installed. Once I removed autocomplete-go, the problem went away.

joefitzgerald commented 8 years ago

autocomplete-go will replace the functionality built-in to go-plus. I would like to find a way to reproduce this. Could you provide a sample file and list all the packages active when you experience this?

nullbio commented 8 years ago

@joefitzgerald I'm not really sure the contents of the file makes a difference, it affects every file I try it in, but here's one of them anyway:

package main

import (


func main() {
    // Execute SQLBoiler
    if err := cmds.SQLBoiler.Execute(); err != nil {
        fmt.Printf("Failed to execute SQLBoiler: %s", err)

I noticed the same thing @spf2 . I had go-plus installed without autocomplete-go and I did not have the problem. I just now re-installed autocomplete-go, so that now I have both autocomplete-go and go-plus installed, these are the only packages I have installed in atom, and the problem appears again.

Spaces, commas, any of these symbols "!@#$%^*)" seem to trigger it, and I suspect some other stuff I'm unaware of. The right parenthesis triggers it but not the left parenthesis "(", and neither does quotation marks.

spf2 commented 8 years ago

Here are my active packages:

atom-jinja2@0.5.0 environment@1.1.1 go-config@1.0.0 go-get@1.0.0 go-oracle@0.2.1 go-plus@3.5.4 go-rename@0.3.0 highlight-selected@0.11.2 language-protobuf@0.5.0 language-thrift@1.0.2 tree-view-open-files@0.3.0

Previously I'd had both packages enabled. I tried enabling only autocomplete-go and the problem persisted, so it seems to be an issue with that package regardless of whether go-plus is installed.

joefitzgerald commented 8 years ago

@spf2 would you be open to a quick screen sharing session while you are experiencing the issue?

spf2 commented 8 years ago

@joefitzgerald sure... how to coordinate? ...maybe pm me on twitter (same handle there)?

spf2 commented 8 years ago

yup, fixed :)