joefitzgerald / autocomplete-go

An Atom autocomplete-plus provider for the Go language that uses gocode to provide suggestions.
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gocode lingers afer closing Atom #20

Open dlsniper opened 8 years ago

dlsniper commented 8 years ago

Hi there :wave:

I've gave Atom 1.7.1 + go-plus 4.1.0 (with autocomplete-go 1.0.6) a spin tonight on my Kubuntu 15.10 x64 machine. I've noticed that after I close the IDE gocode will still linger in memory and I have to terminate it explicitly. Please let me know if I can help out with anything to fix this. Thank you.

zmb3 commented 8 years ago

Seems like it shouldn't be so hard to invoke gocode close when the package is deactivated, but I don't think we want to run an asynchronous tool lookup when we're shutting down.

What if instead of looking for the gocode executable multiple times, we looked for it once and then cached it? What say you @joefitzgerald

sudhirj commented 8 years ago

I'm on the macOS Sierra beta, and there's a slightly bigger problem - I seem to have hundreds of gocode processes running. I'm only working on a few Go files at a time, less than 10. Need to keep killing them manually.

joefitzgerald commented 8 years ago

@sudhirj yikes! Makes me wonder if it's an issue with go itself? I've seen a few Sierra - specific changes in go 1.7 RC1. Seems like the gocode autocomplete daemon is failing to find itself so it's launching and daemon using every time.

One way to rule this out is to close all instances of gocode, then launch it in server mode (gocode -s) and see if that stops the issue. If it doesn't, it's probably a gocode or a go issue.

joefitzgerald commented 8 years ago

@sudhirj are you still experiencing your issue with multiple gocode processes? I'm running on macOS Sierra beta now, and not experiencing the issue. Try gocode close && go get -u after installing go 1.7?

sudhirj commented 8 years ago

No, haven't seen the problem in a while.

rumpelsepp commented 7 years ago

@joefitzgerald I have seen this on linux right now. Sry, my response was not related to the discussion, I have read it a bit too fast, I apologize for that. :)