joefitzgerald / go-plus

An Enhanced Go Experience For The Atom Editor
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Go-Plus GOPATH in Console for multiple Atom windows #373

Closed akutz closed 8 years ago

akutz commented 8 years ago

So I created a little helper for atom in my user's go profile at $HOME/.profile.d/ (OS X):


export GOPATH=$HOME/Projects/go
export GOVER=1.6
export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$GOROOT/bin:$PATH

ATOM=$(which atom)

function atomp {

    local atom=${ATOM-$(which atom)}
    local gopath=$GOPATH
    local goroot=$GOROOT
    local env_vars=
    local tgt_dir=${1-.}
    local tgt_vendor_dir=$tgt_dir/vendor

    if [ -n "$goroot" ]; then
        env_vars="GOROOT=$goroot "

    if [ -d "$tgt_dir" -a -d "$tgt_vendor_dir" ]; then
        local tgt_vendor_dir_abs=$(cd "$tgt_vendor_dir" && pwd)
        local tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
        ln -s "$tgt_vendor_dir_abs" "$tmp_dir/src"


    env $env_vars $atom -n $tgt_dir $@

You'll note that atomp, when executed from the shell, will always open Atom with the GOROOT variable set (despite it not being set in general). More importantly, if Atom is opened without any arguments it assumes Atom is being opened for the current directory, or if a directory is specified it uses that directory, and then checks to see if there's a vendor directory present. The function then sets up a structure in temp space to prefix to the GOPATH variable so that Go-Plus can correctly resolve source references from inside a projects vendor directory (and not complain about missing imports).

This works perfectly...except when there are two Atom windows for two projects. Please see the first invocation. I'm including the call from the terminal window where I am echoing the command so you can see the environment variables are set correctly:



Please note in the above windows the highlighted GOPATH values match.

Now watch what happens if I leave the first Atom instance open and launch a second from a different location:



In the case of as second Atom instance, Go-Plus still has the second instance's GOPATH value as reflecting that of the first Atom instance. However, if you see the output in the second terminal window, GOPATH is being set to a second, unique location.

Is this an aspect of Atom? A simple display bug in Go-Plus? Maybe the GOPATH values truly are different, but Go-Plus is only showing the original one when printed?


akutz commented 8 years ago

Hmmm, I think I may have figured this one out. It appears the initial Atom launch spawns a server that then launches helper processes for each window.

[0]akutz@pax:libstorage$ ps alx | grep Atom
  501  1757     1   0  31  0  2543396   1168 -      S      ??    0:00.30 /Applications/ Framework.framework/Resources/crashpad_handler --database=/tmp/Atom Crashes --url= --handshake-fd=44
  501 62321     1   0  63  0  3538232 100880 -      S      ??    0:09.19 /Applications/ --executed-from=/Users/akutz/Projects/go/src/ --pid=62316 --path-environment=/Users/akutz/Library/Python/2.7/bin:/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_20.jdk/Contents/Home/bin:/Users/akutz/Scripts/devops/tools:/Users/akutz/Scripts:/Users/akutz/Scripts/krakatau:/Users/akutz/Source/launch4j:/Users/akutz/Projects/ruby/igit:/Users/akutz/.brew/bin:/Users/akutz/.rubies/ruby-2.1.2/bin:/Users/akutz/Servers/mysql/5.7.7/bin:/Users/akutz/.brew/Cellar/maven/3.3.1/libexec:/Users/akutz/Projects/go/bin:/Users/akutz/.go/1.6/bin:/Users/akutz/.brew/bin:/Users/akutz/.opt/make/4.1/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/X11/bin -n .
  501 62322 62321   0  31  0  3189412 316228 -      S      ??    0:04.35 /Applications/ Helper --type=gpu-process --channel=62321.0.95267717 --no-sandbox --supports-dual-gpus=true --gpu-driver-bug-workarounds=13,15,24,29,40,41,45,52,58 --gpu-vendor-id=0x10de --gpu-device-id=0x0fe9 --gpu-driver-vendor --gpu-driver-version
  501 62324     1   0  31  0  2483884   3256 -      S      ??    0:00.01 /Applications/ Framework.framework/Resources/crashpad_handler --database=/tmp/Atom Crashes --url= --handshake-fd=44
  501 62325 62321   0  31  0  3744868 281168 -      S      ??    0:19.98 /Applications/ Helper --type=renderer --js-flags=--harmony --no-sandbox --lang=English --node-integration=true --enable-delegated-renderer --num-raster-threads=4 --gpu-rasterization-msaa-sample-count=8 --content-image-texture-target=3553 --video-image-texture-target=3553 --channel=62321.1.1189961200
  501 62967 62321   0  31  0  3657560 210008 -      U      ??    0:02.36 /Applications/ Helper --type=renderer --js-flags=--harmony --no-sandbox --lang=English --node-integration=true --enable-delegated-renderer --num-raster-threads=4 --gpu-rasterization-msaa-sample-count=8 --content-image-texture-target=3553 --video-image-texture-target=3553 --channel=62321.3.56792650
  501 62992 61245   0  31  0  2434840    776 -      S+   s002    0:00.00 grep Atom

Apparently my trick is only getting passed to the initial launch. Hmmm.

akutz commented 8 years ago

FYI, even when I change my script to do this, it still uses the helper:

env $env_vars open -n -a /Applications/ --args $tgt_dir $@

I'm not sure this is something that can be fixed...

akutz commented 8 years ago

FWIW, I got it to work by using the Atom packages atomenv and auto-run along with this updated script:

function atomp {

    local atom=${ATOM-$(which atom)}
    local gopath=$GOPATH
    local goroot=$GOROOT
    local env_vars=
    local tgt_dir=${1-$(pwd)}
    if [ "$tgt_dir" == "." ]; then

    local tgt_vendor_dir=$tgt_dir/vendor

    if [ -d "$tgt_dir" -a -d "$tgt_vendor_dir" ]; then
        local tgt_vendor_dir_abs=$(cd "$tgt_vendor_dir" && pwd)
        local tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
        ln -s "$tgt_vendor_dir_abs" "$tmp_dir/src"

    local atomenv=$tgt_dir/.atomenv.cson
    echo "env:" > $atomenv
    echo "  GOROOT: \"$goroot\"" >> $atomenv
    echo "  GOPATH: \"$gopath\"" >> $atomenv
    $atom $tgt_dir $@
james-lawrence commented 8 years ago

I'd just wait for joe to finish some of the infrastructure work hes doing to goplus will resolve this problem. I've been dealing with it for awhile for my environment manager for go as well. and just decided it wasn't worth fighting atom over =)

joefitzgerald commented 8 years ago

This is fixed in Atom >= v1.7.0 (currently in Beta @ Atom was not passing the current environment through to the helper process to ensure it is used in the new Atom window. This is now fixed thanks to