joeharrison714 / MVCGrid.Net
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Grid doesn't page results, shows all records and pager also #117

Open sudipta-chaudhari opened 7 years ago

sudipta-chaudhari commented 7 years ago


The grid is being displayed which has pager enabled but displays all records without paging. Also the pager is displayed. Code for RegisterGrid() method is as below:-

public static void RegisterGrids()
            GridDefaults defaultSet1 = new GridDefaults()
                Paging = true,
                ItemsPerPage = 5,
                NoResultsMessage = "Sorry, no results were found"

            MVCGridDefinitionTable.Add("grdFiles", new MVCGridBuilder<FilesModel>(defaultSet1)
            .AddColumns(cols =>
                    .WithValueExpression(p => p.Name.ToString());
                    .WithValueExpression(p => p.LastModified.ToString());
                    .WithValueExpression(p => p.Size.ToString());
            .WithRetrieveDataMethod((context) =>
                var res = DisplayFiles();
                return new QueryResult<FilesModel>()
                    Items = res,
                    TotalRecords = res.Count // if paging is enabled, return the total number of records of all pages

View Code is:

@model IEnumerable<FileViewerWeb.Models.FilesModel>

@using MVCGrid.Web;

    ViewBag.Title = "Index";
    Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml";
<div class="well well-lg" style="padding-top:10px">
    <h2>Explore Uploaded Files</h2>


Controller Code:-

public ActionResult Index()
return View();