joeharrison714 / MVCGrid.Net
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How to exclude column from export #148

Open pratikdhavale opened 6 years ago

pratikdhavale commented 6 years ago

I need to exclude particular column from export like csv file. Currently there is no any configuration exists. Please help me.

pratikdhavale commented 6 years ago

I have implemented some stuff by using reflections to exclude particular column from extract like csv, tsv etc. Soon I will commit the changes. If any one wants email me

pratikdhavale commented 6 years ago

For code changes please go to Suggestions always welcome. Please reply me if you have any queries.

anlebu commented 6 years ago

I had the same issue, I replaced the original export rendering with a custom one before I started. So I just named the columns I wanted to exclude with a name starting with Action, set the Header text to anything you want.
.RemoveRenderingEngine("export") .AddRenderingEngine("export", typeof(TabDelimitedRenderingEngine)) .WithAuthorizationType(AuthorizationType.AllowAnonymous) .AddColumns(cols => { cols.Add("Action1").WithHeaderText("")

Then on the RenderingEngine, I excluded any column that started with the word Action

EligioMH commented 4 years ago

Thanks @anlebu, great solution. You save me many work ;)