joeharrison714 / MVCGrid.Net
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Implement repo.GetData Function #172

Open RostamiMohammad67 opened 6 years ago

RostamiMohammad67 commented 6 years ago

hi the bellow function is called but i don't know how and in witch directory i should implement the function? var items = repo.GetData(out totalRecords, options.GetFilterString("FirstName"), options.GetFilterString("LastName"), active, options.GetLimitOffset(), options.GetLimitRowcount(), sortColumn, options.SortDirection == SortDirection.Dsc);

RostamiMohammad67 commented 6 years ago

help pleaseeeeeeeeeeee

topdev01 commented 5 years ago

hi @sortami ,

If you haven't figured it out already go to the following link in the repository and there is the implementation of the method, ([])

You can implement this method in your Repository class or in our Data Access Layer in general.