joeharrison714 / MVCGrid.Net
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Load PArtial view #201

Open arajpant opened 4 years ago

arajpant commented 4 years ago

I have following code

MVCGridDefinitionTable.Add("LUServicePersonnelMOC", new MVCGridBuilder() .WithAuthorizationType(AuthorizationType.AllowAnonymous) .WithSorting(sorting: true, defaultSortColumn: "MOC_Service_Type", defaultSortDirection: SortDirection.Asc) .WithPaging(paging: true, itemsPerPage: 10, allowChangePageSize: true, maxItemsPerPage: 100) .WithAdditionalQueryOptionNames("search") .AddColumns(cols => { cols.Add("Select").WithValueExpression((p, c) => c.UrlHelper.Action("Select", "BranchPersonnelCategory", new { Moc_Service_Type = p.MOC_Service_Type, Moc_Personnel_Category = p.MOC_Personnel_Category, codeType = p.MOC_Code_Type })) cols.Add("LU_ServiceCodeText").WithHeaderText("Service Code Text").WithSorting(true) .WithValueExpression(p => p.LU_ServiceCodeText.ToString());

When i click the Select link then i want to load the partial view which loads another Grid.

I tried in the following way -- in controller public ActionResult Index() { return View(); } --- In view

@Html.ActionLink("Create New", "Create")

@Html.Partial("_MVCGridToolbar", new MVCGrid.Web.Models.MVCGridToolbarModel() { MVCGridName = "LUServicePersonnelMOC", PageSize = true, ColumnVisibility = true, Export = true, GlobalSearch = true }) @Html.MVCGrid("LUServicePersonnelMOC")




Some content in menu 1.


-- In Controller

public ActionResult Select(string Moc_Service_Type, string Moc_Personnel_Category, string codeType) { return PartialView("_Select"); }

-- added new partial view name as _Select.html

@Html.Partial("_MVCGridToolbar", new MVCGrid.Web.Models.MVCGridToolbarModel() { MVCGridName = "MocGrid", PageSize = true, ColumnVisibility = true, Export = true, GlobalSearch = true }) @Html.MVCGrid("MocGrid")

How can i load _Select partial view to Index View through this process. ?