joeharrison714 / MVCGrid.Net
MIT License
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The type or namespace name 'MVCGridToolbarModel' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) #204

Open michaeltaylor1329 opened 4 years ago

michaeltaylor1329 commented 4 years ago

I have

  1. the MVCGrid Reference
  2. MVCGridToolbarModel.cls in the Models folder
  3. MVCGridConfig.cs in the App_Start folder
  4. in the _Layout.cshtml view
  5. _MVCGridToolbar.cshtml in the Shared view folder
  6. in the web.config
  7. MVCGridConfig.RegisterGrids(); in Application_Start()
  8. @Html.Partial("_MVCGridToolbar", new MVCGridToolbarModel() { MVCGridName = "Orders", PageSize = true, ColumnVisibility = true, Export = true, GlobalSearch = true }) @Html.MVCGrid("Orders") In the Index.cshtml view

What am I missing?
