joeharrison714 / MVCGrid.Net
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Issue on Paging #91

Open amitt0488 opened 7 years ago

amitt0488 commented 7 years ago


I have a page having partial views with markup like this: @Html.Partial("_b20EnglishApprovalView",new MvcPWy.Models.B20ApprovalModel()) @Html.Partial("_ImageView", new MvcPWy.Models.B20ApprovalModel())

@Html.Partial("_MVCGridToolbar", new MVCGridToolbarModel() { MVCGridName = "B20EnglishModeratorGrid", PageSize = true, ColumnVisibility = true, Export = true, GlobalSearch = true }) @Html.MVCGrid("B20EnglishModeratorGrid")

There is a button on one column for Preview and on clicking it, a modal popup opens up. And its markup is defined in @Html.Partial("_b20EnglishApprovalView",new MvcPWy.Models.B20ApprovalModel()).

This is working fine when the page loads, but when i click on pagebutton, then this code doesnot fire and hence this view doesn't render. Please let me know the solution.


delianenchev commented 7 years ago

Hi, I had similar issue. I solved it by using: .WithClientSideLoadingCompleteFunctionName("hideLoading")

I set button's events in the client function. See Custom Loading Message - MVCGrid.Net how to use WithClientSideLoadingCompleteFunctionName.

I hope this will help you.

joeharrison714 commented 7 years ago

Using the ClientSideLoadingCompleteFunction is a great idea for this! Thanks @delianenchev.

@amitt0488 were you able to get it working?