joeharrison714 / MVCGrid.Net
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Is inline row editing planned for this grid? #96

Open bjuraga opened 7 years ago

bjuraga commented 7 years ago

I would really like to see this control extended to allow inline editing. Maybe simply configure a URL for each row and the method. Also the Edit Partial template as an option?

That's in case this project is still supported.

codeweb commented 7 years ago

I think this project is not still supported. I opened many issues and contacted author by email: no answers.

joeharrison714 commented 7 years ago

I haven't given inline editing much thought. I wasn't planning on going down that path, but if you have ideas for how it could be implemented please let me know.

One idea would be to try integrating something like this:

I haven't tried it but it may be possible.

bjuraga commented 7 years ago

Hi Joe,

x-editable is not user friendly in my opinion on a grid. 

One idea is to provide row template for editing, preferably from a file, it can also have a form in it

And maybe raise an JS event on exiting the edit mode for the row, containing the row data so that we can implement sending post/put/patch request to a cotroller of some sorts.

This template might also have a form wrapping it so there is no need for client side support.

This is the minimalist idea. 

Other thing would be to have the editor template be actually scafolded which i see as almost impossible, as there are no standards for what type of variable is represented by what type of input, every project is different.

Also as the frid is configured on a per cell level there can be custom editor html templates for each cell but that would be harder to maintain maybe?