Uses ipc.control(67191,n) to call FuelSytemPumpToggle to press button and Offsets 0x0b05, 0x0b08, 0x0b03, 0x0b09, 0x0b07 and 0x0b11 to read the switch positions. With multiple call functions, the R2 pump is not operated to ensure engines do not shutdown with loss of power.
Uses ipc.control(67191,n) to call FuelSytemPumpToggle to press button and Offsets 0x0b05, 0x0b08, 0x0b03, 0x0b09, 0x0b07 and 0x0b11 to read the switch positions. With multiple call functions, the R2 pump is not operated to ensure engines do not shutdown with loss of power.