joekaiser / practicalities

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Port the Imbued Tool #12

Closed joekaiser closed 8 years ago

joekaiser commented 8 years ago

The Imbued Tool is an end game tool that an insta-mine any material except bedrock (and other not harvestable blocks of course) The art asset is already checked into source.

  1. It can be enchanted
  2. It should not take any damage
  3. it should be indestructible to fire/lava/explosions
  4. it can despawn if left on the ground
  5. It should have the flair "The OPness" when you mouse over it

The recipe would be something like below, where 'c' is the ImbuedCore and 'd' is a diamondRod

"ccc" "cdc" " d "

joekaiser commented 8 years ago

I am open to changing the recipe. It is just a thought for now. It would be cool if you had to "active" the item through some ritual. Meaning once you craft it, it doesn't take on the end-game properties listed above until you do something else.