joel74 / POSH-LTM-Rest

PowerShell module and scripts for working with F5's LTM REST API
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Remove-F5Session, failed to remove specified session #223

Closed Babaloued closed 1 year ago

Babaloued commented 1 year ago


In our production environnement, we are facing issue when trying to delete an F5 session

VERBOSE: Creating F5Session VERBOSE: POST https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx with -1-byte payload VERBOSE: received 816-byte response of content type application/json; charset=UTF-8 VERBOSE: PATCH https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/5XT6DA6AFLKKYJK6JSC5Z3VTBU with -1-byte payload VERBOSE: received 597-byte response of content type application/json; charset=UTF-8 VERBOSE: GET https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/mgmt/tm/sys/version/ with 0-byte payload VERBOSE: received 427-byte response of content type application/json; charset=UTF-8 VERBOSE: F5 Session created

Doing some actions like disable pool members, enable pool members...

VERBOSE: DELETE https://xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/5XT6DA6AFLKKYJK6JSC5Z3VTBU with 0-byte payload We failed to remove the specified session. The error was: The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel. At C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\F5-LTM\1.4.308\Public\Remove-F5Session.ps1:42 char:9

Sometimes everything works smoothly, sometimes it does not so I don't know how to reproduce the issue

F5 bigIP version : BIG-IP Build 0.0.8 Point Release 6 Module version : 1.4.308

Any help would be appreciate

joel74 commented 1 year ago

Hi, The inconsistency makes it a bit more difficult to diagnose, but it sounds like there's something varying in your environment / processes. Are you using the -SkipCertificateCheck switch when you call Remove-F5Session? Are you possibly using different versions of PowerShell in calling this? Cheers, Joel

Babaloued commented 1 year ago


I do not use the -SkipCertificateCheck switch. Here's how I create a new session and kill it at the end.

$F5Session = New-F5Session -LTMName $F5Name -LTMCredentials $Credentials -PassThru
Remove-F5Session -F5Session $F5Session 

Both commands are used in the same powershell scope

I do not use different versions of Powershell but I, indeed, launch some remote powershell commands via the Invoke-command cmdlet as jobs

Here's what i do in my script:

####### In main script #########

Disable nodes

$InitScriptBlockDisable = [scriptblock]::Create(@" function Disable-FNACNode {${function:Disable-FNACNode}} "@)

Try { $ServerInLoad | ForEach-Object { $ScriptBlock = { param($F5Name, $Credentials, $Partition, $PoolName, $Server, $Force)

        Disable-FNACNode -F5Name $F5Name -Credentials $Credentials -Partition $Partition -PoolName $PoolName -Server $Server -Force:$Force

    Write-Host "[DISABLE]Processing node $($_.Name) in $($_.PoolName)..." -ForegroundColor Yellow
    $NodeFullName = ($($_.Name), $($_.Port) -join ":")
    Start-Job -Name "$($_.Name) - DISABLE - $($_.PoolName)" -InitializationScript $InitScriptBlockDisable -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock -ArgumentList $F5Name, $Credentials, $_.Partition, $_.PoolName, $NodeFullName, $Force `
    | Out-Null
Write-Host ">>> Waiting for DISABLE nodes to finish <<<" -ForegroundColor Cyan
Get-Job | Wait-Job | Out-Null
Write-Host "DISABLE nodes finished`n" -ForegroundColor Green

} catch { $_.Exception.Message }

- Launch remote commands with Invoke-Commands cmdlets via jobs (no F5 actions)
- Enable servers with the same method (jobs, create temporary F5session called $F5SessionEnable and kill it at the end of the fonction)
- Kill the general F5Session

I don't think any step above are the issues because it was working fine before. I am clueless on how to find out the root cause and maybe, what i thought is not the problem, is the problem...

I tried to get some network traces but of course, everything went smoothly, without errors...
I will try again later but any tips is appreciated

joel74 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Have you been able to learn anything new about this? If there's some way to piece together the output from the jobs and the calling general session, so that you can see the events chronologically, that might shed some light when the issue reoccurs.

Babaloued commented 1 year ago

Hi, Sadly, I did not have time to investigate further about it and the current situation (blackfriday + end of the year) is not the best timing for us to play with our production.

I will post more info as soon as i can

Babaloued commented 1 year ago


Sorry for the very late reply. We finally managed to identified the issue.

As you guessed from your first reply, the issue was coming from the certificate (network team didn't gave us the right URL to connect to the F5...) For whatever reason, and we still don't know why, I couldn't get an error while trying to debug but one of my colleague tried from his side and he managed to always get the error pointing the certificate. As soon as we use the right URL or use the -SkipCertificateCheck switch, everything works well.