joelacus / RedditEnhancer

A browser extension to tweak the user interface on Reddit
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[Feature Request] Hide/filter posts by flair #57

Open batterymilk opened 4 months ago

batterymilk commented 4 months ago

Could you add a 'flair blacklist' that would completely hide posts that have any flairs which match it? There are some subs that get glutted with one type of post and I just want to be able to see anything else that's posted, and there are people who find some kinds of content upsetting and don't want to be subjected to it when they browse.

Thanks for all your work making this much needed RES replacement and supporting all the versions of the site the devs keep cranking out!

joelacus commented 4 months ago

This is a good idea. I'm planning to add user and sub reddit blacklists at some point, I hadn't thought about flair. So yes, I can add this too.

Thanks for all your work making this much needed RES replacement and supporting all the versions of the site the devs keep cranking out!

Thanks! :) They do keep me busy!