joelacus / RedditEnhancer

A browser extension to tweak the user interface on Reddit
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Hide karma doesn't seem to work #59

Closed Malvalar closed 3 months ago

Malvalar commented 4 months ago

The Hide Karma feature doesn't seem to work on the Old or New reddit on Firefox when I enable it.

Would also be cool if the Hide Karma was added for the New New UI so we could hide the score but keep the ability to vote.

joelacus commented 4 months ago

Hi. The hide karma option hides your karma near your username in the upper right for Old and Old New Reddit. New New Reddit doesn't show your karma there anymore. I just tested it and it still works. Is it not for you, even after a page refresh?

Malvalar commented 4 months ago

Oh it just hides total karma. I thought it mean hiding karma everywhere, including posts and comments.

Is that an option?

joelacus commented 4 months ago

No, hiding karma on posts and comments is not an option. Is that something you'd find useful?

Malvalar commented 3 months ago

Sorry, wrote up a reply and forgot to hit the comment button.

Yes, I think it would be. Personally I'm interested to see how I perceive reddit without being influenced by the scores of posts/comments.

I think people who are interested in hiding the overall karma score might be interested in it as well.

joelacus commented 3 months ago

Sorry, wrote up a reply and forgot to hit the comment button.

No worries.

Yes, I think it would be. Personally I'm interested to see how I perceive reddit without being influenced by the scores of posts/comments.

I admit I didn't see the point before, but this is an interesting idea actually. I can look into adding this as a new option.

Malvalar commented 3 months ago

Cool, thank you.