joelacus / RedditEnhancer

A browser extension to tweak the user interface on Reddit
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[Feature Request] Save the hidden state of sidebar expansion panels #68

Open Void48 opened 1 month ago

Void48 commented 1 month ago

I don't like seeing all the subreddits and information from the expansion panels. It clutters up the Reddit homepage, and I think it would be a great quality-of-life improvement if their state could be saved so that if I hide them, they would stay hidden even after refreshing the site. Also appreciate the work being done to the extension!


joelacus commented 1 month ago

Hi. Yeah, I can certainly look into adding an option to save the current state of the panels, I'm surprised Reddit doesn't already save them. If you just want to permanently hide a certain section however, I've already added options for that.

Void48 commented 1 month ago

Hi. Yeah, I can certainly look into adding an option to save the current state of the panels, I'm surprised Reddit doesn't already save them. If you just want to permanently hide a certain section however, I've already added options for that.

Thanks. :) Hopefully, it won't be too difficult to implement this new feature.