Firstly, I think react-haskell is a really good idea, and I'm using it to build a web application even if I have to keep changing all my application code and getting out of various different manifestations of cabal hell.
Secondly, I think I've found a bug:
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
import Haste.Prim
import Haste.DOM
import React
data ApplicationState = ApplicationState {
foo :: JSString
transition :: JSString -> ApplicationState -> (ApplicationState, [AnimConfig JSString ()])
transition signal oldState = (oldState, [])
index :: ApplicationState -> React ApplicationState JSString () ()
index s = do
h1_ "Render things"
h1_ "Render moar things"
main = do
mElem <- elemById "app"
case mElem of
Nothing -> putStrLn "not found"
Just elem -> do
render elem =<< createClass index transition (ApplicationState "") () []
return ()
Only renders "Render things", but I would expect "Render things" then "Render moar things". In general, the only the first child of any element in the React declaration seems to be rendering.
Actually, we only see this effect at the top level in a ReactClass. This is not a bug, because React's Javascript render only seems to render 1 element at the top level.
Firstly, I think react-haskell is a really good idea, and I'm using it to build a web application even if I have to keep changing all my application code and getting out of various different manifestations of cabal hell.
Secondly, I think I've found a bug:
Only renders "Render things", but I would expect "Render things" then "Render moar things". In general, the only the first child of any element in the React declaration seems to be rendering.