joelkanyi / Muviz

A Jetpack compose app that consumes the TMDB API to display movie and Tv shows and their details
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FilterList #96

Closed Rafelcf closed 1 month ago

Rafelcf commented 2 months ago

when filterList for example originalLanguage in popularmovies? and sortBy date

joelkanyi commented 2 months ago

Hey @Rafelcf I think your issue is not clear, could you please explain it well

Rafelcf commented 2 months ago

Thanks, my question is: In PopuarMovies If I want it to only show me the movies in their original language "original_language" = EU Where and how to apply the filter? *.filter { it.original_language == "EU"}

joelkanyi commented 1 month ago

Hey @Rafelcf sorry for the late reply but to filter out some movies, you can do that from the paging source e.g

    data = trendingMoviesList.searches.filter {
        it.originalLanguage == "en"
    prevKey = if (nextPage == 1) null else nextPage - 1,
    nextKey = if (trendingMoviesList.searches.isEmpty()) null else + 1

Full paging source example:

class TrendingMoviesSource(private val api: TMDBApi) :
    PagingSource<Int, Movie>() {
    override fun getRefreshKey(state: PagingState<Int, Movie>): Int? {
        return state.anchorPosition

    override suspend fun load(params: LoadParams<Int>): LoadResult<Int, Movie> {
        return try {
            val nextPage = params.key ?: 1
            val trendingMoviesList = api.getTrendingTodayMovies(nextPage)
                data = trendingMoviesList.searches.filter {
                    it.originalLanguage == "en"
                prevKey = if (nextPage == 1) null else nextPage - 1,
                nextKey = if (trendingMoviesList.searches.isEmpty()) null else + 1
        } catch (exception: IOException) {
            return LoadResult.Error(exception)
        } catch (exception: HttpException) {
            return LoadResult.Error(exception)