The Background:
I'd like to make a suggestion (hopefully a simple drop-in solution) as a way to work around browsers that have cookies/other data disabled- specifically why I'm asking for this, for context: I use an open source WallpaperEngine alternative called Lively, which struggles to keep it's built-in browser persistent in the name of performance, and also know a good few people who clean-slate their browser way to frequently to keep something like Tabliss customized.
The Suggestion:
I took a look at my exported JSON preset, and realized that it's fairly plain. Would it be possible to load it using a custom web address? For example:
Lovely day for it, folks!
The Background: I'd like to make a suggestion (hopefully a simple drop-in solution) as a way to work around browsers that have cookies/other data disabled- specifically why I'm asking for this, for context: I use an open source WallpaperEngine alternative called Lively, which struggles to keep it's built-in browser persistent in the name of performance, and also know a good few people who clean-slate their browser way to frequently to keep something like Tabliss customized.
The Suggestion: I took a look at my exported JSON preset, and realized that it's fairly plain. Would it be possible to load it using a custom web address? For example:{"data/0MaXW64_s-Rz":{"showDetails":false,"units":"us","latitude":43.6135,"longitude":-116.2034},"data/default-time":{"mode":"digital","hour12":true,"showDate":false,"showMinutes":true,"showSeconds":false,"showDayPeriod":false,"timeZone":null},"data/default-unsplash":{"by":"search","collections":"","featured":false,"paused":false,"search":"Winter Canada","topics":"bo8jQKTaE0Y","timeout":0},"widget/0MaXW64_s-Rz":{"id":"0MaXW64_s-Rz","key":"widget/weather","order":0,"display":{"position":"bottomLeft","fontSize":20,"fontFamily":"Poppins","fontWeight":700}},"widget/default-greeting":null,"widget/default-time":{"id":"default-time","key":"widget/time","order":1,"display":{"position":"bottomLeft","fontSize":18,"fontFamily":"Poppins","fontWeight":700}},"background":{"id":"default-unsplash","key":"background/unsplash","display":{"luminosity":-0.2,"blur":0}},"focus":false,"locale":"en","timeZone":null,"version":3}