joelwross / wc_master

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All visualization queries now implemented in Graph class #2

Closed bravelittlescientist closed 12 years ago

bravelittlescientist commented 12 years ago

All visualizations are now based on Graph class. This includes: show (both issue & relationship), most cited, last40, allthethings, test, default

Removed the build_graph & conversion methods as they are redundant with graph queries.

Once this Pull is OK'd on your end, it will be time to remove the temporary Edge/Node functionality in the Mapvisualization Model, as it is now a duplicate of the graph.

joelwross commented 12 years ago

Looks great! Thanks so much!

I've gone ahead and deleted the node&edge classes in the mapvis, so you can pull those changes down.

Next up: method to fetch all-pairs-shortest-distance matrix for a graph? pleading puppy-dog eyes