I'm attempting to do a Sensu Build on a Raspberyy Pi 2b running the latest Raspbian OS with Ruby 2.2. The bundle install fails due to a problem with the json gem version that gets pulled in with bunchr.
Is it possible to update the gem dependencies in bunchr to get json up to 1.8.3? I can roll back to Ruby 2.1 if I need to but thought I'd see if you had time to update this first.
Hi @joemiller,
I'm attempting to do a Sensu Build on a Raspberyy Pi 2b running the latest Raspbian OS with Ruby 2.2. The bundle install fails due to a problem with the json gem version that gets pulled in with bunchr.
Is it possible to update the gem dependencies in bunchr to get json up to 1.8.3? I can roll back to Ruby 2.1 if I need to but thought I'd see if you had time to update this first.
Thanks, Matt