joerdav / xc

Markdown defined task runner.
MIT License
1.04k stars 25 forks source link

Include a demo gif of xc being used in command line #79

Closed adriens closed 1 year ago

adriens commented 1 year ago

:information_source: I can make one for you and PR the code and webm, gif & mp4 if you want to

joerdav commented 1 year ago

What do you think this would illustrate, and where would it live? I have a recording of the vscode capabilities on the homepage already.

If you think there's something a new user could benefit from in a text demo then I'm open to contributions.

adriens commented 1 year ago

Hmmm, I was thinkg about a pure terminal demo.

I could use your README's tasks as a base for that.

joerdav commented 1 year ago

I'd be interested to see an example, but would expect that a demo tape for xc in the terminal wouldn't be very visual!

joerdav commented 1 year ago

For now I think the vscode example is sufficient.