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6 episodes of the speechful podcast #18

Closed joereddington closed 5 years ago

joereddington commented 6 years ago

Make a podcast


Overall Process


You are listening to ‘Speechful’, an episode by episode look at the show Speechless, created by Scott Silveri.

I’m Joe Redddington. I often meet up with my friend Rachel and we trade stories, ideas and, views about the world. She’s smart and articulate and we find it useful to bounce ideas off each other.

She asked my opinion about the show Speechless a show about a teenager who uses a communication aid and his family. might be of interest here is that I grew up as the sibling of a teenager, who uses a communication aid and I’ve done quite a lot of research in the area. Not to overstate, but this is a show about my life.

The other thing you should know is that we are both big podcast fans and we’ve always been interested in knowing how the process works. So we thought, if we’re going to be talking about the show anyway, we may as well make a podcast at the same time, because that would be fun.

We’re going to talk about the show, the bits that are funny or not, the bits that are quote unquote realistic or NOT, and the issues that come up.

We’re planning on doing one podcast about the pilot episode, and if we like how that sounds we’ll do a podcast each of the first six episodes and see where we are from there.

One think we will say, is that his podcast will make NO sense at all if you listen it without having seen the pilot episode of Speechless. None.

J: Hello! R: Hello!

So what did we think about the pilot?

Us chat for a while.

Instructions for podcast


joereddington commented 6 years ago
23/10/17 13:48 to 15:00:

Recording the podcast

23/10/17 18:18:

Okay so I've done the recording today (I should put that in) and Now I'm going to edit.


i"m trying audacity. I suspect I may switch to using iMovie because I'm a bit better at using it....


Ah ha! Ithink I've found the thing for multiple audio channels. That's nice. (also this might mean that I can finally put things out. and online.


Oh I think garage band might be the thing one uses for podcasts...


Waiting for an install. Will map while I wait.

What's the goals here.

18:42 to 21:12:

Finally done. The first go though

Next action is to do an outtro and an intro and come back to it. editing podcast.

joereddington commented 6 years ago
23/11/17 16:49 to 17:44:

Here to start editing the first two. Let's see what we can do.

TIP - you should export the tracks immiedately on exiting the call. TIP - make a note of the time you actually start next time. In podcast adjusted time.

(Including getting on and off a train)

21:24 to 21:44:

Lots of working on trains.

21:52 to 22:48:

And at home...

Working and watching the youtube video. Learned lots of useful things. Should be watching these way more.

I've put a loop intro in.


Letting it ride - I'm at 21 minutes.


Rant still going.

23:06 to 23:24:

Doing more edits - finally finnished the first episode - clocking in at 45 minutes...

joereddington commented 6 years ago
01/12/17 14:23:

Okay, let's do the next one. We should develop a process at the same time.


Interupted by a long phone call. Back now.


There must be an easier way of getting things back from the end...


There was: copy and paste.




Okay, here's a way of removing bits without a gap:


I feel like there is a whole thing there about siblings...


I'm up to 14:08




Lot of phone calls...


17:00 minutes.


20:00 minutes.


Another phone...



01/12/17 18:38 to 18:59:

Finished editing. Exporting now.

joereddington commented 6 years ago


Jimmy is upset the kids no longer want to participate in the family tradition of dressing up for Halloween. Maya tries to cheer up Jimmy by allowing him to do things he loves by taking things off the family “Dead to Me” list. Meanwhile, Ray recruits Dylan to help work the school’s haunted mansion while Kenneth is scared of losing his job when JJ gets drunk at a party. Even though Maya is furious, she is thrilled to see JJ having a “normal” life.

Director: Robert Cohen Writers: Scott Silveri (created by), Niki Schwartz-Wright

17/01/18 14:45:

Enjoyed the costume's.

And writing on the wall.

They really didn't eat the pizza.

08/01/18 10:50:

Let's do this.

10:50 to 11:36:

I've done my receipts and I've also watched an episode and a half of speechelss.


Four plots:

'What am I about to learn?'

If he liked this girl, he might have been sad, but he is, like, 12...

American Pie is a bad example. I think LA should forget about it.

How did JJ move that fast...?

Fucking tradition.

I liked the 'you starting something' touch.

Dylan really growing on me.

Civil rights lesson from two blond teenagers I like.

The laugh is pretty good.


What are the consqeuences? We've literally never punnished him.

"We don't say normal"

Setup Bunch of white kids in handcuffs

Note - there aren't many good brother sister themed costumes...

(with the exception of Chun-lee et al, luke and leia and, that's all I've got - oh possibly a couple of the x-men)

joereddington commented 6 years ago

Next episode. D-A-T-E

"This tastes so much better than gymnastics - where are we going?

16/01/18 21:32:

Back for more...


amused by "naked dry humping"

really struggled to watch that bit with ray.

you do NOT have 6% body fat.

enjoyed the unexpected rocky payoff. and the therpist.

16/01/18 21:39:

Kept cringing at Ray...


Oh hey, Jimmy has a job. Like that he speaks german.


You raised me, that's on you.


I don't understand - are they yelling at the plane, Is the plane covering the noise.


"Am I always wrong about women?"


When did he take the photo, was it when I had my head in my hands...

joereddington commented 6 years ago


Exploring the city on their own, J.J. and Kenneth realize strangers see them as inspirational. The two push their luck, receiving free food and admission to baseball games and things soon fall apart. Meanwhile, as the family usually can't do anything without having to worry

Plots JJ Family - Kids and parents seperately.

17/01/18 12:29:

Missed an episode of speechless... doing S01E04


Due - pee in the garden.


I think I'd rather widen the door.


Nobody ever bought us dinner.

Tho we do get free cinema place.

And somone thought we were beggers once in paris.


Good - we know that she's british.



17/01/18 13:22:






I liked that they were getting shot during the conversation...


I liked the 'kids need to see you doing something selfish' bit. Made me revaluate my whole life.


I liked the board mount. Also the moment. But moustly the magnetic board mount.


Cast showover in 3 2 1... oh wait... a

joereddington commented 6 years ago
08/02/18 22:43:

Hello. I want to do a bit more organisaton for this. Let's sort out directories.

joereddington commented 6 years ago
04/03/18 15:07 to 16:16:

Editing the S01E05 episode

joereddington commented 6 years ago
21/05/18 11:56:

Episode 1 again.

Cold open. Like the teamwork aspects.

They should have a hanger on their card.

Do like 'I can call god'


Enjoyed the next-door kid more when I thought about how the role would have been explained to him.


Principle is still unbelivable...

Tassh or person remains entertaining... (particular JRB)

Minnie Driver is excellent. JRB wasted on BBT.

Zachary's cousin is deaf so he gets it.


"oi sea slug office"


This is an amazing school.

Not centred on JJ, comicially...

Why are the cops here...?


Don't feel like JJ has employement rights...

Very story-friendly fairground lines...


Black history month

Sexual assult.

joereddington commented 6 years ago
28/05/18 12:08:

Let's work out the next actions.

SAS: open garage band and import tracks...


I've created the garage band file and imported the tracks.

Next is to start listening to them and do the edit...

joereddington commented 6 years ago

Jiggle You'r listening to Speechful, I'm Joseph Reddington, I'm Rachel Berninson Perkins.

This is an episode by episode review of the ABC show Speechless, starring X and Y. We're talking a little bit about the episode, and we're also using it as a jumping off point to talk about a range of related issues. Why should you listen to us? So I like to believe I have an interesting viewpoint. I was a awkward nerdy child who had a brother who used a voice system very similar to JJ's. I did, in fact, grow up as Ray, and I've been excited about the show since it was announced. Quite a lot of this podcast will consist of me either applauding or complaining about the situations that come up and how much they resonate with someone who grew up in a similar situation. Some quick housekeeping. Rachel has watched all of the show - I'm watching each episode directly before recording the podcast so I have NO knowledge of what happens next. The one exception is this episode - that's because in our original recording I forgot to press record and lost the first 40 minutes of the show. So we've gone back to revisit this episode. You may note that our already low production values drop quite a bit for episodes 2 though 5.
joereddington commented 6 years ago

18/09/18 11:06

Setting up the server/website today.

joereddington commented 5 years ago

This was done. Needs to be blogged and closed.