Closed joereynolds closed 6 years ago
This is possible by modifying the function call for InsertResultsToNewBuffer to be
function! InsertResultsToNewBuffer(local_filetype, query_results) let window_for_buffer = bufwinnr('^_sqhell_$') if window_for_buffer >= 0 buffers window_for_buffer normal ggdG put =a:query_results else new _sqhell_ | put =a:query_results endif setlocal buftype=nofile setlocal bufhidden=hide setlocal noswapfile execute 'setlocal filetype=' . a:local_filetype endfunction
However, the drawback is that once we navigate to our new buffer, we can't jump back to the old one (with ctrl-o).
Figure this out...
Changed my mind on this, I quite like multiple buffers being open. If there's demand for this we can revisit
This is possible by modifying the function call for
to beHowever, the drawback is that once we navigate to our new buffer, we can't jump back to the old one (with ctrl-o).
Figure this out...