joergbattermann / Nancy.Serialization.Jil

Provides JSON (De-)Serialization support for Nancy using Jil.
MIT License
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NancyFx v2 support #1

Open pdwetz opened 8 years ago

pdwetz commented 8 years ago

NancyFx version 2.0 has breaking interface changes which cause this library to fail. I have a local fork in a "nancyfx2" branch which builds and has passing tests (some switched to async in mirror to the official JSON serializer). I can send as a pull request if desired. Obviously it shouldn't be put in master just yet, but it would be nice to have as a pre-release nuget if possible.

joergbattermann commented 8 years ago

Hi Peter! That would be great, yes 👍

I haven't really dug into Nancy 2 yet as it's still alpha but as 1.x won't see much change(s) anymore (if any), now is as good as any other time for a 2.0.0-alpha of this serializer... so yeah - just send the PR over.

I've created a new branch (NancyFx_v2), so if you could specify that one for the traget branch when you create the PR instead of master it would make it a tad easier to work with...

Cheers & thanks, -Jörg

pdwetz commented 8 years ago

The GitHub app threw an error saying I don't have permission to send a pull request to the repo. From the wording of the message, though, I'm unclear if they're having server issues and it was unable to determine my permissions, or if you have the repo locked down.

joergbattermann commented 8 years ago

Is it possible that your 'source' repository is hidden or not really 'forked' from mine? I can't see it listed under your repositories at either...

pdwetz commented 8 years ago

Sorry, too much work in just my own repos lately, so had a few false starts. Added pull request properly now (I think).