joergrech / KickstartWithBootstrap

Kickstart is an extension for Grails in order to start your project with a good looking frontend. It is intended to be used in rapid application scenarios such as a Startup Weekend or a prototyping session with a customer. This plugin provides adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter's CSS Framework Bootstrap and offers some basic pages for a web site.
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Disabled pagination links go to out of range urls #72

Open kevinschaper opened 10 years ago

kevinschaper commented 10 years ago

On the first page of a list, clicking on the disabled "Previous" link will produce these url params: "offset=-10&max=10&order=desc"

The "Next" link will also wander out of range.

It seems like rather than being disabled links, it should just be text with the same nice decorative box.

I fixed it temporarily for myself by simply creating links to # when it's disabled.