joergrech / KickstartWithBootstrap

Kickstart is an extension for Grails in order to start your project with a good looking frontend. It is intended to be used in rapid application scenarios such as a Startup Weekend or a prototyping session with a customer. This plugin provides adapted scaffolding templates for standard CRUD pages using Twitter's CSS Framework Bootstrap and offers some basic pages for a web site.
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KickstartFilters anyway of overriding this #84

Closed vahidhedayati closed 10 years ago

vahidhedayati commented 10 years ago

Hi I am using


This puts a a kickstartFilters file within the plugin, I have customised apache-shiro and when a user authenticates it shows the password within the logs, my initial attempt was to update the KickstartFilters file within the plugin, but upon a refresh of plugins etc I lost the filter

I have tried extending the filter

Even an entry in config.groovy to stop logging kickstart (although this may be wrong)

Just wondered if this is a known issue and has any good work arounds

vahidhedayati commented 10 years ago

Ok I have fixed the problem but I have now ended up with 2 sets of logs - the actual issue of logging passwords fixed though ---

2014-04-23 14:50:56,148 [ajp-bio-8009-exec-1] INFO kickstart.KickstartFilters - Controller.browse: [action:browse, controller:Controller] 2014-04-23 14:50:56,150 [ajp-bio-8009-exec-1] INFO kickstart.KportalFilters - Controller.browse: [action:browse, controller:Controller]

for each transaction:

The fix so far:

resources.groovy: import kickstart.KickstartFilters beans = { MyAppFilters(KickstartFilters) { } } in conf/kickstart/MyAppFilters.groovy

package kickstart

class MyAppFilters extends KickstartFilters { def filters = { kickstartLogger() { before = { // Small "logging" filter for controller & actions if (log.infoEnabled) { if (!params.password ) {!params.controller ? '/: ' + params : params.controller +"."+(params.action ?: "index")+": "+params) }else{ (params.controller+","+params.action+":"+params?.username) }
} } } } }

I think I will now ask about this on the grails forum.. to see if there is any way of stopping duplication

vahidhedayati commented 10 years ago

The fix was to add below to my log4j configuration within Config.groovy: off ""