Open MC-box opened 2 months ago
You need to give c2cpg the path to the included files (--include <dir>
) and/or you system header files location (--with-include-auto-discovery
). Otherwise, definitions like JNICALL and such can not be resolved. That may lead to unparsable code.
But joern can resolve JNI functions whose return value is JNI type without giving c2cpg any path to the included files:
#include <string.h>
#include "engine.h"
#include "input.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "renderer.h"
JNIEXPORT jfloatArray JNICALL Java_com_termux_x11_XrActivity_getAxes(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
XrPosef lPose = XrInputGetPose(&xr_input, 0);
XrPosef rPose = XrInputGetPose(&xr_input, 1);
XrVector2f lThumbstick = XrInputGetJoystickState(&xr_input, 0);
XrVector2f rThumbstick = XrInputGetJoystickState(&xr_input, 1);
XrVector3f lPosition = xr_renderer.Projections[0].pose.position;
XrVector3f rPosition = xr_renderer.Projections[1].pose.position;
XrVector3f angles = xr_renderer.HmdOrientation;
int count = 0;
float data[32];
data[count++] = XrQuaternionfEulerAngles(lPose.orientation).x; //L_PITCH
data[count++] = XrQuaternionfEulerAngles(lPose.orientation).y; //L_YAW
data[count++] = XrQuaternionfEulerAngles(lPose.orientation).z; //L_ROLL
data[count++] = lThumbstick.x; //L_THUMBSTICK_X
data[count++] = lThumbstick.y; //L_THUMBSTICK_Y
data[count++] = lPose.position.x; //L_X
data[count++] = lPose.position.y; //L_Y
data[count++] = lPose.position.z; //L_Z
data[count++] = XrQuaternionfEulerAngles(rPose.orientation).x; //R_PITCH
data[count++] = XrQuaternionfEulerAngles(rPose.orientation).y; //R_YAW
data[count++] = XrQuaternionfEulerAngles(rPose.orientation).z; //R_ROLL
data[count++] = rThumbstick.x; //R_THUMBSTICK_X
data[count++] = rThumbstick.y; //R_THUMBSTICK_Y
data[count++] = rPose.position.x; //R_X
data[count++] = rPose.position.y; //R_Y
data[count++] = rPose.position.z; //R_Z
data[count++] = angles.x; //HMD_PITCH
data[count++] = angles.y; //HMD_YAW
data[count++] = angles.z; //HMD_ROLL
data[count++] = (lPosition.x + rPosition.x) * 0.5f; //HMD_X
data[count++] = (lPosition.y + rPosition.y) * 0.5f; //HMD_Y
data[count++] = (lPosition.z + rPosition.z) * 0.5f; //HMD_Z
data[count++] = XrVector3fDistance(lPosition, rPosition); //HMD_IPD
jfloat values[count];
memcpy(values, data, count * sizeof(float));
jfloatArray output = (*env)->NewFloatArray(env, count);
(*env)->SetFloatArrayRegion(env, output, (jsize)0, (jsize)count, values);
return output;
val res1: List[String] = List(
So I suppose maybe it isn't an issue with the include-path?
We simply use Eclipse CDT as a parser. If CDT is not able to parse it there is nothing we can do unfortunately.
You could try a c2cpg standalone run with --log-problems
to see these parse issues.
I tried a c2cpg standalone run with --log-problems and found the following issue:
2024-09-18 22:42:25.906 INFO ParseProblemsLogger: Parse problem 'CASTProblem' occurred!
Code: 'JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_com_termux_x11_XrActivity_teardown(JNIEnv *env, jobject obj) {
if (!xr_initialized) {
XrRendererDestroy(&xr_engine, &xr_renderer);
memset(&xr_engine, 0, sizeof(xr_engine));
memset(&xr_input, 0, sizeof(xr_input));
memset(&xr_renderer, 0, sizeof(xr_renderer));
xr_initialized = false;
File: '/home/kali/桌面/cfgtool/cfgtool/cfgtool_new/cfgtool_fix/c_termux-x11-master/android.c'
Line: 8
It is too general to locate the bug. And I try to find information on 'CASTProblem' in joern's document but fail. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I would greatly appreciate it if you can provide some guidance.
I am pretty sure the parser can't find the definitions for JNIEXPORT and JNICALL. What happens if you place these definitions directly into the file?
Describe the bug Fail to parse C code when a JNI function returns a non-JNI type
To Reproduce The C Code:
Steps to reproduce the behavior:
Expected behavior Joern should correctly recognize the function
and list it in the output
joern cannot recognize function:
Desktop (please complete the following information):
Additional context Other non-JNI type such as primitive data types will get similar results