joerodgers / Copilot-Document-Sharing-Report

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Sharing / External VIewable #2

Open warwickbuilds opened 1 month ago

warwickbuilds commented 1 month ago

It would be great if I could query you about what the script is using to determine if a file is Externally viewable.

We have the following sharing methods... which combination is being used to determine Shared Internally Vs Visible Externally.

joerodgers commented 1 month ago


I'm using the ViewableByExternalUsers property in the search index, it's not something I'm calculating. This property returns documents that have been shared with external users by using one of the following sharing methods (reference):

warwickbuilds commented 1 month ago

awesome thanks.

And the EEEU search property being used? is there any docu you could point to me as far a that?

joerodgers commented 1 month ago

@warwickbuilds, the script locates files shared with Everyone/EEEU by executing the search query as a user account with no explicit access to any content within the tenant.