joeroe / risotto

A minimalist, responsive hugo theme inspired by terminal ricing aesthetics.
MIT License
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Update config filename #65

Closed Vinfall closed 6 months ago

Vinfall commented 6 months ago

I noticed when updating risotto today, you would probably want to update this. I did not touch exampleSite/config.toml in case you still use that in risotto demo and simply renaming would break it somehow.

Also, I wrote a Development section for quick setup of development site but did not commit as I'm not sure if you want that. Anyway I'll leave it below:

# Clone repo
hugo new site test && cd test/
# New config file still conflict with theme config
rm hugo.toml
git clone themes/risotto
# Replicate exampleSite
cp -r themes/risotto/exampleSite/* ./
cp -r themes/risotto/layouts/* layouts/
# Fix symlink path
cd content && ln -sf ../themes/risotto/ && cd ../
# Start server
hugo server --disableFastRender --buildDrafts
joeroe commented 6 months ago

Thanks for this.

As for the development section, it's a good idea. I usually work within the repo and preview changes with:

cd exampleSite && hugo serve --themesDir ../..

Which has the benefit of not requiring copying or moving any files around.

Vinfall commented 6 months ago

Wow, good to know that!