joeroe / risotto

A minimalist, responsive hugo theme inspired by terminal ricing aesthetics.
MIT License
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socialLinks param build errors #81

Closed shabby-goddess closed 6 months ago

shabby-goddess commented 6 months ago

love this hugo theme!

when i add two [params.socialLinks] sections to my hugo.toml (a la example site), hugo returns the following error:

Error: command error: failed to load config: "~/$SITE/hugo.toml:1:1": unmarshal failed: toml: table socialLinks already exists

to make matters even more confusing, when i eliminate the second socialLinks param field in hugo.toml, running hugo server returns the following error for 'term', 'taxonomy', and 'page':

ERROR render of "term" failed: "~/$SITE/themes/risotto/layouts/_default/baseof.html:21:24": execute of template failed: template: _default/list.html:21:24: executing "_default/list.html" at <partial "about.html" .>: error calling partial: "~/$SITE/themes/risotto/layouts/partials/about.html:12:25": execute of template failed: template: partials/about.html:12:25: executing "partials/about.html" at <$item.url>: can't evaluate field url in type interface {}

any ideas how to get the socialLinks param to start working? thanks lots !!

shabby-goddess commented 6 months ago

fixed: as it happens, i had added [params.socialLinks] to my hugo config, not [[params.socialLinks]]. can anyone explain why some [params] are enclosed with single brackets, and others in double brackets?

joeroe commented 6 months ago

Double brackets in TOML indicate an array of tables: