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CBECC 2022: ResDHW Cent Elec & Cent Gas - CSE Error on DHWSolSys #140

Open joesinger12 opened 1 year ago

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

NK: Attached is a model for schema testing for solar hot water system and it ran successfully except it has errors in the log file for the ab run. It is possible that this combination may not exist and if that is causing an issue in the Std design.

2022-12-28 18:24:25 - ERROR: CSE simulation returned 2 (DHW solar sizing of run ab)

SC - I have tracked this problem down and done some experimentation.

The problem occurs only if the there are 2 separate central DHW systems in the user model, one resulting in a gas central baseline requiring solar system (and automated solar system sizing performed) and the other an electric central requiring a HPWH baseline (needing HPWH sizing logic performed). And I confirmed that this same model where all dwellings are assigned to EITHER the gas or electric central system works fine.

Given the fact that a model w/ separate electric & gas central systems is unlikely to ever occur (I would guess), I don't think it's worth the time right now to figure out ruleset and/or simulation mods to facilitate this combination - so my recommendation is that we create a ticket documenting this issue and push it off to a future release.

@dannytam @rjwichert - Please review. Adding this issue for the release after 2022.2.1.

Reported by: joesinger12

Original Ticket: cbecc-com/tickets/3465

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

@scriswellwsf@rjwichert - I agree this is a very unlikely scenerio with mixed central gas and electric. I would say this is a low priority fix after 2022.2.1

Original comment by: joesinger12