joesinger12 / TestTicketTransfer

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Occupant density used for minimum ventilation calculation #151

Open joesinger12 opened 1 year ago

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

As part of work on Ticket 3490, the team revisited the question of what occupant density should be used for calculating minimum ventilation and in simulating # of people in the space when design occupancy/fixed seating is not used.

For background, each SpcFunc has a default and specified list of applicable VentSpcFuncs that can be selected. The list of all VentSpcFuncs is based on Table 120.1-A of the standard (incorporated into the ruleset as App5-4C_Ventilation -T24N_2022.csv). The conditional list of available VentSpcFunc based on SpcFunc is generated in the Appendix 5.4A spreadsheet, which is then pasted into the BEMEnums.txt file for the rulesset.

Currently, occupancy density is based on the Spc:SpcFunc values in Appendix 5.4A, col 'OccDens', which is multiplied by 0.5 to arrive at the simulated occupancy and occupancy used for minimum ventilation calculations. In otherwords, the OccDens is aligned most closely with the expected CBC egress occupancy density. The occupancy density used for simulation/ventilation calculations does not change depending on the Spc:VentSpcFunc selected. This can lead to some large discrepencies between the occupancy used in simulation/ventilation calcs, and the occupancy assumed in determining the cfm/ft2 (Rt) value in Table 120.1-A.

The purpose of this ticket is to evaluate the impact of calculating occupancy used for simulation and vent calculations to be based on the value associated with the VentSpcFunc, not the value currently defined for the SpcFunc.

Reported by: joesinger12

Original Ticket: cbecc-com/tickets/3522

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

I have done a few tests to see the impact of the using OccDens based on the selected VentSpcFunc. Instead of basing OccDens on Appendix 5.4A SpcFuncs (For VentSpcFuncs that are 0.15 cfm/ft2, or exhaust, use the SpcFunc OccDens.) Overall:

We believe that it is more fitting to use ventilation function to define occupancy density, but in some cases we still want to use the original occupancy and not changing the DCV requirement.

The solution we propose is:

We've listed the cases where we recommended to manually input the OccDens In the attached spreadsheet. As reference, we also list 3 different occupancy assumptions in the spreadsheet:

Original comment by: joesinger12