joesinger12 / TestTicketTransfer

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Additional DOAS examples to represent #154

Open joesinger12 opened 1 year ago

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

Attached are two models that would ideally work as set up:

1) OffSml-HtRcvry: In this case, the DOAS supplies to 4 zones, and is referenced as the exhaust for the 5th (Core) zone. The exhaust fan is represented as a child of the AirSys Exhaust AirSeg. The proposed exhaust from the Core is equal to the total supply, so the building is balanced. Ideally all of the DOAS return air comes from the Core zone and energy can be recovered w/o having to model a zone exhaust fan.

2) OffSml-HtRcvry_RedCoreExh: Same as above, but the Core zone exhaust is less than the supply. IN this case, 200cfm comes from Core zone, and the balance comes back from the zones that have supply.

Reported by: joesinger12

Original Ticket: cbecc-com/tickets/3528