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CBECC-Com Issue - Building Envelope #20

Open joesinger12 opened 9 years ago

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally created by: Originally owned by:

I am creating a custom skylight using polygons – and the software seems to assign skylights correctly using the polygons. However, the skylight area / daylit area isn’t getting reflected in the space data. Please can you let me know ahT I may be missing.

Version = 2013_3b_717

Category = Building Envelope

Reported by: joesinger12

Original Ticket: cbecc-com/tickets/1186

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

(No comment was entered for this change.)

Owner: Cc:

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

EnergyPlus can only properly simulate subsurfaces (including skylights) that are rectangular or triangular.  The skylight in question has 10 coordinates.  You should break your skylight up into multiple skylights that are either rectangular or triangular.

Luke, I'm not sure about the daylit area calculations in CBECC.  Do the same limits apply?

Status: Discussion

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

This is a good question - I'll have to defer to Scott on the limitations of the DaylitAreas source code function.  I'm not even sure whether we can calculate daylit areas for triangular windows (much less windows with > 4 vertexes), since the daylit area is defined based on both the window head height and the width, assuming rectangular coordinates.

In any case - it seems as though we might need to add some checkcode or checksim rules to identify sub-surfaces which do not meet the shape criteria (whatever it happens to be).  I'm looking into this now, but have not found anything in place thus far.

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

Additional observation - took the user model and made the skylight rectangular but the interface does not reflect the new area of the skylight in the tree. Haven't checked how the Daylit area in the space changed.

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

Corrected screenshot of skylight polyloop

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

Scott and I are working on determining the requirements for fenestration surfaces in E+, OS and CBECC daylighting functions.  Once we've determined the superset of these requirements, we'll add CHECKSIM rules where possible to catch problematic geometry.

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

Hello Shruti -

There are a couple of items contributing to the behavior you describe in your support ticket:

1) Spaces in your model qualify for the minimum daylit are requirements outlined in T-24, Part 6 section 140.3(c), which require that 75% of the space area is within the skylit or primary sidelit daylit zone.  I am guessing the creation of 'Skylight 101', (the ~4000 ft2 skylight in 'Corridor 2') was an attempt to address that issue.     2) As Roger mentioned, EnergyPlus requires skylights to be rectangular or triangular.  There may be additional requirements in CBECC-Com further limiting skylights to rectangular shapes only - we are currently researching this question.  I believe the shape of 'Skylight 101' was causing our internal daylit area calculations to fail - which meant this area was not being displayed in the user interface.    3) Skylight 'Sub Surface 120' is partially outside the boundary of the space, and therefore outside the boundary of the space roof.  While this is OK in CBECC-Com,  only the daylit area resulting from the skylight portion located geometrically within the space is included in the daylit area calc.  Below is an image which illustrates the space, skylight and daylit area geometry.  You can generate this image in CBECC-Com by right-clicking on the space in the user interface tree, and selecting View Space Footprint.

4) WaterHeater1 does not meet the minimum storage and input rate requirements.

Attached is an updated model in which 'Skylight 101' was removed, and 3 additional skylights have been added in order to meet the minimum daylit area requirements.  There are 11 additional spaces for which skylights will need to be added in a similar fashion in order to meet the 140.3(c) requirement.  Also, the water heater Storage Capacity and Input Rate have been re-defaulted to meet minimum requirements.

Descriptive error messages identifying skylight geometry problems such as those in this model will be added in a future release.

NIKHIL - I'm re-assigning this issue to you to assign priority for adding error messages to catch these types of geometry issues.

Owner: Cc:

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

6/17 - User had question about unmet hours in their model

6/17 RH - All your air systems had return fans with a flow capacity of 6,500 cfm.  I modified the flow to match the flow of the corresponding supply fans.  This took care of the UMLH for all but two zones.  The terminal units serving those two zones had user entered flow rates.  I restored the default flow rates for those two terminal units, and also for the corresponding supply fans and cooling coils.  That solved the remaining UMLH issues.

6/17 User had issues with the watermark on the compliance report

6/17 NK - You would need to make sure that you don’t have Quick Analysis checked and none of the Analysis Options on the Project Data Screen checked. If any of those are checked you would get a watermark. Also if any sizing information that is auto populated using the Analysis Option should be manually entered into the model as per your project documents. That will help eliminate the watermark

Status: WontFix

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 9 years ago

Originally posted by:

Opening issue for future to add error messages to capture geometry issues as per #7

Status: Discussion

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 8 years ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 8 years ago


Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 8 years ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 7 years ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 6 years ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

Original comment by: joesinger12