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CBECC-Com Lighting Issue - Schedules #41

Open joesinger12 opened 6 years ago

joesinger12 commented 6 years ago

8/6/17 NK - I was working on the multiplier rule for the lighting reporting table update and came across an issue wrt to unconditioned lighting. I have a model with 2 spaces assigned office space. Both spaces are conditioned in one instance. In the other instance one of the office space is unconditioned in which case the unconditioned lighting numbers now move to the Other Ltg category. However the unconditioned space lighting number are different than they were when the space was conditioned. The schedule for lighting is changing - changed from Office to Assembly. Not sure why this would happen. Can you check to see what may be going on here. If it is an issue the way the model is setup let me know.

The model is setup as NewEnvelopeand Lighitng.

Reported by: joesinger12

Original Ticket: cbecc-com/tickets/2455

joesinger12 commented 6 years ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 6 years ago

8/7/117 DR - The predominant FuncSchGrp for each story is currently only based on conditioned floor area. In this case, my guess is the change from Conditioned to Unconditioned removed the area of this space from the Predominant calculation, which resulted in a different schedule group being determined as the most predominant.

Unconditioned spaces inherit the FuncSchGrp determined for conditioned space on the Story. There are exceptions for Process spaces, such as if the space is Parking Garage, it always gets the Parking Schedule, regardless of what the predominant FuncSchGrp is.

I suppose that since Unconditioned spaces are not regulated, we should allow the schedule to be user defined. That, at least for occupancy, is not currently the case. Luke, for the lighting schedule, do you respect user specified lighting schedules, and just use the ruleset determined predominant FuncSchGrp if the user doesn't define one?

NK - I thought we had disabled the selection of user schedules a while back and now we were just determining it in rules per the predominant FuncSchGrp that you mention below.

DR - I know that we disabled it for conditioned space, but I wasn't sure where development had landed on this for internal loads in Unconditioned spaces. I believe the predominant FuncSchGrp is th default, but wasn't sure if a user could override this for Unconditioned space since. I believe we do allow users schedules for process equip and lighting.

8/7/17 LH - Keep in mind that 'non-regulated' lighting is different than 'non-compliance' lighting.

Lighting in unconditioned spaces may still be 'regulated' (i.e. prescriptive limits still apply, and unconditioned lighting is not covered in the definition of NonRegulated lighting covered in 140.6(a)3. Lighting Wattage Excluded.

Both lighting in unconditioned spaces and 'non-regulated' lighting are placed on an electricity meter that excludes their energy consumption from the compliance calculation (i.e. they are non-compliance lighting).

Clarifications aside, it may make sense, as David suggests, to allow the user to specify the schedule for any 'non-compliance' lighting (rather than only 'non-regulated' lighting as is the case now). However, this has not been identified as a priority, and I'm not sure it's too critical since 'non-compliance' lighting is excluded from the compliance calculations.

Let me know if/how the team wants to prioritize updating the schedule assignment rules for non-compliance lighting.

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 6 years ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 6 years ago

Assigning to LH to be addressed in the next release.

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 6 years ago

Original comment by: joesinger12

joesinger12 commented 1 year ago

Original comment by: joesinger12